I learn something new every day!
Did you know that during the period of the (first!) super continent, that the ocean currents were blocked from flowing to the poles. This prevented the natural heat transfer from the equator to the antarctic and the entire plant froze completely over.
Just like the moons around Jupiter.
We are also due for a new ice age, which may counter act our global warming.
The interesting thing about that is, if we survive long enough to see it happen, Canada will be scraped off the face of the earth.
Along with New York City and Mount Rushmore.
What's that going to do to the world economy?
Strict belief in Creationism, which is not how G-D intended us to interpret the story, really robs those who believe in it of some really great Creation Stuff...
Giant lakes held back by Glaciers in Montana that broke loose and flooded the entire western North American Continent...
Now THAT's a flood of Biblical proportions... except One can't believe it happened because some Bible thumper wants to Limit the Infinite to One working week...