Sunday, February 24, 2008

There is a web site that was formed to expose the wrong doings of companies and governments.
Freedom of Speech ideas.

The a US court has blocked it and told the owners to delete it's information.

"An attempt by a Swiss bank to shut down Wikileaks, a website that publishes secret military and corporate documents, has backfired into a fiery debate over Internet freedom. On February 15, Bank Julius Baer won a court order in San Francisco Federal Court to have the US domain for the site shuttered, after the controversial whistleblower site published hundreds of pages of internal bank documents."

I thought you might want to visit it and make the decision for yourself about its importance...

the link is below... (right click, copy, and paste in your browser)
Zelda and I were listening to the radio (NPR) the other night. It was an interview with an author of a book on the Banana Business.
According to the book, the US Government sent US Marines time and time again in to south/central American countries in the 19th and 20th century to help US business men over throw Governments so they could suppress the price of labor in those countries.

All so we, the Consumers of America, could buy cheep Bananas...

What we the Consumers of America don't know....all so we can buy cheep stuff and business owners make a profit...

This is not an isolated case...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Cloned Animals in the food chain

That would be, Our food chain.

As Zelda and I sat Sunday morning discussing the newspaper article, neither of us could figure out WHY cloned animals need to be used.

Yes, over the weekend the FDA approved the use of Cloned animals in the food chain.

It won't be the Actual cloned animals (in the begining). Just the off spring of the cloned animal.


The article said it was to optimize the quality of the live stock.

Since a male produces MILLIONS of sperm over his life time, and since it is common practice to Freeze said sperm for use over a time frame longer than the reproductive life span of said male (in this case, a prize bull). Why do they need to make more than One prize bull?

My guess is to place ownership over a blood line.
I created this animal, so all of it's offspring are mine...

Pay up...

Write your representatives and let them know your opinion.
Wal Mart and McDonalds have gone on record as voting 'No' to cloned animals, but neither has extended that opinion to the offspring of cloned animals...

Guess what you'll be eating in a year's time...

I don't know either...

But my rep has my 2 cents...

You Terrorist!!!

You (and I) are terrorists in the eyes of the Government.

Although I have lived here all my life, and have flown numerous times on planes that did not explode, thanks to the President Bush and his policies,

every time I get on a commercial plane,

I am treated like a terrorist.

And so my friend,

are you...

Do they make W take off his shoes every time he boards Air Force One?
"Sorry Mr. President, I'm going to have to take that bottle of shampoo, oh, and your mocha.
Bottles too large. National security you know! Have a nice flight".
I'd love to say something else, but they'd tap my phone lines....

Monday, February 11, 2008




Just BANG!

And then an "Oh G-d!".

I had just been hit from behind on the freeway exit ramp.

Then Bang.

Hit again!

I had jumped on the brakes to avoid hitting the car in front of me and the car behind rolled into me.

A young lady from out of town on the way to the hospital had wanted to change lanes.

She misjudged the traffic, which had come to a stop in front of her.

She accepted blame.
Called the police department, and we exchanged information as we waited for the police.

Fortunately we were able to get out of traffic.

And again fortunate we were not going that fast.

(later that week I saw an accident similar to mine where both cars had been totaled)

My neck and lower back have been talking to me.
I've refered them to my chriopractor.

My car made it into the shop today.

$$$$ fell off of its value in the blink of an eye Tuesday morning
because someone was in a hurry,
and someone else cut someone off somewhere in the traffic up ahead...

double ouch...

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Burned Out

I'm burned out on Architecture.
Maybe I've always been.

Some coworkers I have known are Excited about design.
They keep up with the latest trends and put in those long hours...

Like so many of my Architect friends, when I get home at the end of the day,

I don't want to think about work...