Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ron Paul for President!

We the people own the US government.

So why is it that the US demands that we work 5 to 6 months a year for the government?
We fought a war in the 1860s to do away with slavery.

If we chose to not pay, we will have our freedom, our Liberty, taken away by the government, We the People.

We the people paid our taxes, our money, to fund NASA and the Manhattan project that developed the bomb and the memory foam used in modern beds.

So if WE paid for the R&D, why is it that the Utilities, Military, and bed manufactures aren't paying We the people monthly royalties for Our ownership rights?

Just something to think about...

The revolutionary war was an all voluntary, defensive war.

Each person provided their own weapons and there was no big industry in Killing People as there is today.

The draft is not provided for in the Constitution because it goes against the very nature of
Liberty for all.

How can there be freedom if the Government can come in and take your sons, fathers, and brothers to kill and be killed?
The same thinking is being used for Retirement plans.

"Give me Liberty
or give me Death."

The Federal government is taking that quite literally...

Grunch of Giants

"Grunch of Giants" is a book by the late R. Buckminster Fuller.

Although he never gradutated College and never took the Architectural Exam, his bust in in the lobby of the American Institute of Architects.

Ironically, the political action group created to protect the title of "Architect" from just anyone who can draw up a set of plans for a building, and thus protect those of us who have spent $$$$$$$ to spend our days doing just that, claims Fuller as the best know Architect of the last century. (Tells you something about our professional industries)

"Bucky" as he is sometimes called, created the first original structure used as a building since the Egyptians and Syrians with their monumental architecture, the geodesic dome we played on in the playgrounds of the 70s. (Think of the great ball know as Epcot center)

Check the link for a PDF of the book.

It traces the origins of land ownership and how corporations have come to dominate the world.

Today we have the technology to feed and house every person on the planet in a high standard of living.

Why then don't we?

GR-UN-C-H stands for Gross Universe Cash Heist.

Ever wonder where your money goes and why things seem to get more and more expensive?

Grunch of Giants will tell you part of that story.

Check it out and pass it on...


Zelda is beginning to show a little of the Baby Bump.
She has also developed gestational diabetes.
It's check-sugar-and-carbs and wait-two-hours-check-her-blood-sugar-levels.

Sometimes they are good.
Most time they are slightly high.

So she has a call into the doctor to see if she will need to go on insulin.

Her first hubby had childhood diabetes and the technology for testing was bulky and awkward.
She's impressed with how small, and less painful, the lancets are now.
And the tester no longer needs to be calibrated every time.

We should hear from the doctor Monday.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Read - Your life depends upon it...

I heard a quote, alas I can't remember whom to give the credit...

"He who does not read

has no advantage over

he who can't read.
CEO's get there by increasing their value to the market by improving themselves by reading.

Jim Rohn in his audio seminar, Challenge to Succeed mentions that the U.S. of A. is a ladder, with the bottom rung starting at $5.00 an hour, and the top rung, as of 2000, was $35 million a year.

Where you stand on that ladder depends upon your value to the market place.

The CEO of Coca Cola was the top of the rung.

Today folks complain about how much CEOs make.

My advice is...

If you don't like that fact that the CEO of Coca Cola earned $35 millions for his value to his company

stop buying Coke products...

That $$$ did not come to coke out of thin air...

My other advice is...

Do what you need to become the CEO.

As Jim Rohn also says...


the ladder is only


at the
