Saturday, February 28, 2009

The truth about Democracies...

Zelda constantly reminds me that we, the United States, as formed by our founding fathers, are NOT a DEMOCRACY, as the politicians would like us to believe, but a REPUBLIC.

Click on the link (or copy it to your browser), title above, to find out why she and the founding fathers are RIGHT.

The video is from David Morgan of

Democracy is rule by the majority.
Republic is rule of law.

One is open to the whims of the masses (mobs arise from group think), while the other is limited by a set of principals which extend to all.

Pregnant Zelda

Zelda has moved into the last tri-mester.

Her blood sugars are bouncing around again. Hormones...
The hypno-birthing class ended Monday, more time in the evenings free, now it's time to practice.

Zelda has some fears of pain from bad cramps in her 20's.
I hope she can let them go, the success of hypno birthing is to be able to relax, mentally, which will help translate into physical, and make the birthing process much easier.

Part of the class shows videos of births by mothers using the technique.
Very uneventful, if you can call having a baby, uneventful.

Yet again another example where proof is given that TV and mass media (with their tramatic birthing mother episodes on what-ever-sitcom-drama-has-a-pregnant-mother-and-needs-a-ratings-boost) is BAD for it's consumers.

Another thing I would leave behind with this house and its bills would be the TVs.

So little time

Now that I am working again, thank the Lord, I find, as with the last company job, I am giving up MY time to work for someone else... When I had my time, I spent it looking for a job where I could give my time to make someone else's dream come true...

The mortgage company has recalculated the payments on the house based on the taxes owed.
In order to bring everything up to speed, unless we can pay the $4,100.00 for last year, they will add it to the new billings... along with the fee for escrow for this years taxes.

Our housing costs just went up by $700.00 a month or 8,000 a year...
(Our principal payment for the first loan is only $800.00 per month. We made some bad judgements when we decided to buy this home...)

I'm ready to get out of it and find some place more reasonable. Translation = won't eat up every last penny we have (to make someone else rich)...

"modern society" blah!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Work world

The drive is tiring, but I am WORKING!

Healthcare is quite the complicated animal.

Now I understand. Code requirements for just about everything.

My pod mate, P, is a silver and gold investor, so we have Ron Paul in common!

I have a window seat and from the 8th floor over looking the suburbs, I can see 15 to 25 water towers depending upon the air quality.

Life is good, if not busy now.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Tomorrow is

my first day at my new job!

Zelda and I are working to get out of the situation to get out of the rat race.
Motel 6 is running ads for it's new interiors.
First, the company is French.
Second, I worked on the Construction Documents for the new design. The company I worked for didn't actually win the interior design for Motel 6, but we did do the new exteriors and the construction drawings.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bible Study

One of the biggest mistakes Christians make in reading the Bible, is forgetting, ignoring the fact, that to be a good Christian, we must study the Christ, and the Christ was a very good Jew.

So in my opinion, in order to be a good Christian, you first have to be a good Jew...

The "Old Testament" is actually the "Torah".

My pastor now addresses the Old Testament as the Torah.

Respect for all beliefs.
Jews, in my studies, and I am no expert, never refered to the serpent as Satan, as the Christians do.

The serpent wasn't evil, it just was...

G*d placed the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the center of the garden and placed a great big "HEY, DON'T EAT THIS FRUIT,OR YOU WILL DIE" sign on it.

Why'd he/she do that?

No fence, no guards to protect it, no obstacles to surmount, no bottomless pit to cross.

It was meant to be eaten.

How can that be a sin?


The company Zelda used to work for and moved on to do contract work for them cut 9 people on Friday.

Why they didn't cut work weeks and salaries to keep as many people working is unfortunate.

I feel numb now that I have employment. Happy, but numb. False sense of security.

I'm tired...
Wednesdays have become my favorite day of the week.
We have Bible Study. It is open study, meaning we don't have a program other than reading a chapter and discussing it.

I can share my studies as well as speak openly about it being a group of stories. And in doing this, I learn even more.

Chapter One of Genesis is the Creation story where G*d creates the world in six days. "And it was Very Good".

Then it moves on to chapter two where Mankind and Giver of Life (Adam and Eve) come into the story. Because it is a UU church with multiple beliefs, I am able to talk about how the Adam and Eve story is a political statement used to suppress the existing Earth Goddess/Nature religions.

Most of the women in the group cringe at the Adam and Eve story. In the second creation story, woman is created from Man's rib. (again, a political statement by the Biblical author).

It makes me look good, I can share my knowledge, teach, and learn from those in the group with extensive biblical back grounds.

I do not have to be fearful about talking about the political side of things.

Zelda, who won't go, mentioned the time in Catholic University Bible study where she asked the professor about Adam's first wife, Lilith. He divorced her because she liked to be on top...

This week we will start on chapter 4, Cain and Abel. Again a political story. One is a farmer, the other a rancher. Who is G*d's favorite? The farmer of course...
Why? The authors were farmers...

Monday, February 09, 2009

Zelda Love

Zelda laments the fact that I have not blogged about her inner and outer beauty, her beautiful eyes, her great lips (and even Better Kisses), the fact that she is taking excellent care of her self, and in turn our baby, and that I love her.

Love you babe.

Thursday, February 05, 2009


The Sixteenth Amendment (Amendment XVI) to the United States Constitution was ratified on February 3, 1913. This Amendment overruled Pollock v. Farmers' Loan & Trust Co. (1895), which greatly limited the Congress' authority to levy an income tax. This Amendment allows the Congress to levy an income tax without apportioning it among the States or basing it on Census results.


This law over threw the US Supreme Court's decision in 1895 that Income Tax was Unconstitutional.

When the politicians try to seduce you into thinking "Taxes are Patriotic", remind them and your self that the Boston Tea Party was about paying Taxes to the King...
And the participants were called Patriots.

End the Federal Reserve Bank.
End the Fed.

Like a Mickey Mantel rookie base ball card, the more of them, the less valuable they become.
Same goes for your dollar bill in your pocket.

The Federal Reserve has the legal ability to print as much money as it wants.
And they do not care what happens to the value of the ones in your pocket.

End the Fed.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

There's no place like home

Zelda and I met with the Short Sale expert last night.
He's got a nice system down and seems to know his stuff.

He does not seem to think, with the rate we have, that we will be able to renegotiate the loan payments. He did not recommend, but did suggest that short sale would be the better route to think about.

Since we are current with all our bills at the moment, he can't do anything for us...
Is that crazy or what?

We would have to miss a couple of payments.
Not a problem in about two months...

We would then have the leverage with the lender we need to get the short sale and would have about 45 days before we would have to move...

Problem is, our rental is in our name and not yet protected from our personal finances.
We could potentially lose both homes...
Texas has homestead exemption which protects primary residences and autos, etc. from just about everyone but the Federal Government, the State, and our Home owner's association...

We have our first meeting with our real estate coach this Friday and will see if he can offer a suggestion. We would have to evict our tenant to claim the rental as our primary and that is unthinkable to us...

March, April (baby), May, June, July move out...
August, September rental available...

Zelda is thinking about meeting with the VP of her main client to present her advantages as a contract employee. They actually make money on her when she works due to the type of client contract in a addition to the fact that she has no overhead burden to them...

She has to decide if she wants to use this approach...

Trickle Up Economics

More wisdom from a comedian...

John Stewart continued his point that the consumers should be bailed out and not the banks (who are in bed with the politicians) in his interview with Lawrence Lindsey from Feb. 2, 2009.

As Stewart pointed out, it should be called "Revolution Insurance".
Lindsey offered tax breaks and reduction of the income tax, which would provide more money in the worker's pockets and lessen the employer's burden. (7.5% comes out your paycheck and another 7.5% is paid by your employer for a total of 15% income tax that is used to fund government follies.)

Again, pardon the commercial embedded within the link above...

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Hypno birthing

Zelda has wanted to take a hypno birthing class since she first heard about it.
I like the idea as well.

She found a doula thru our church and had her come out to interview for my sake. (She's also a yoga instructor).

A doula is an avocate for the mother at the hospital, and a teacher/coach thru the process.

We had begun to budget for her services when everything fell apart in the economy.

She has offered her services to us gratis, which is emotional for us, and wonderful.

We started our first hypno class last night.

The Bible, and the media, would have us believe that there is PAIN!!! in child birth.
(gotta sell that car ad! and you NEED that chopper slicer that also cleans your clothes!)

This goes against nature. While there is the potential for pain, alot is going on in the birthing process, she pointed out that the uterus, its muscles, and all are DESIGNED (intellegently or thru evolution, I can believe both at the same time with out discounting the other) to deliver babys. And if the mother doesn't have the fear and expectation of pain, thru proper breathing and relaxation, mothers thru the ages have had what Dr. Grantly Dick-Read discribed as "uneventful" and "boring" births.

As one woman told him when he asked why she'd declined pain relief, "It didn't hurt. It wasn't supposed to, was it Doctor?" ('HypnoBirthing, the mongan method' by Marie F. Mongan)

Zelda will have a painless, natural birth. No horror stories for us thank you very much!

Monday, February 02, 2009

Helping out

Thanks to income taxes, Zelda and I still won't be able to cover our expenses.

But we will speak to the real estate agent Tuesday to see if we can get the loan payments reduced to less than 36% of my income...

We also spoke to a young couple from church who have three children, one with learning difficulties, who have lost income due to reduction of hours and overtime.

It's a scary idea to let strangers in to the house, but if we can help them out...

Ron Paul could help us out with that one.
End income taxes for the Citizens of America.
(Would require discipline and actual budgeting by congress.)

And we'd have more $$$ to save and invest on and for ourselves.
(No more sponsoring bombs and earmarks).

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Woman in charge

Zelda, my beautiful wife, is the leader of our family.
She's in charge.

I'd like to THINK that I am directing our future, but that simply is NOT the case.

I have to step up my game, because she's going to be taking care of our baby, and I'll need to take care of her.

What are some simple, quick, easy recipes I can put together after work (yeah) that will be good for her?

Homework time...