Monday, June 25, 2007

It's Official !!

I got the paper work from the Texas Board of Architectural Examiners...

I am a Registered Architect!

(Z is working on getting her Interior Design License.)

Friday, June 22, 2007

Ice Cats

I was cutting the yard today.
Well, trying.

I bought a push reel mover, the one where the motor is the guy holding the handle, and I like the idea of the exercise and that I can carry on a conversation with Zelda as I mow.

There must be a trick to it that I haven't mastered.

It is a grass mower.

And it will cut very nicely, anything that will fit up into the blades.

What happens is anything longer than about 4" will bend over and the blades will pass over.
The weed pops back up behind me...

That and the front yard is on a 10 degree slope.

Back yard is no problem.

It's flat.

So between the hill, new yard (the soil has not laid down yet and is bumpy), and a little rain, and I decided to try back on Saturday morning...
the new fridge has in door ice and water dispenser.
it also has an option for crushed ice.

I have come to love the ease of ice and water.

So has Snoopy, our kitty.

It seems a little ice always makes it to the floor.
Where kitty has discovered it's wet, and cold, and slides across the floor.

Mo saw how much fun Snoopy was having, so now every time either cat hears the ice grinder, it's kinda loud, they come running and park themselves at our feet and in expectation of icy goodness.
our house backs up on a field.
as I was mowing today, I moved a board to take a look under it.
Brother-in-law had looked under it last week to see if anything lived there.

he didn't find anything.
he was hoping for a snake.

today a small field mouse had taken up residence.
he didn't run when i adjusted the grass around it,
at first I thought maybe it was dead,
I showed Z and we decided it was a young mouse.

The cats would have an opinion about that.


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

New boobs!

Yes, Zelda has them.

She went smaller, not larger.
for the first time since we have been married, she hasn't scootched over to me and asked if I would rub her shoulders and back.

And they are bouncing around.

She's four pounds lighter.

Much much happier...

I can't wait to try them out!

(that's maybe a month away)


Back right out of highschool, I did not have the money for a car, the gasoline, and the parking.

Cars and more importantly, the requirement of having to have one to get around pissed me off.

Now that I have the cash to have the car, pay the gas, and occational parking, I don't think much about it.

Many days about the same stretch of road on the way to work I wonder why I do this.
What would it be like to get away and try living Somewhere else.
Anywhere else.
Some place with ever greens, maybe some water, and mountains. And less people...

Back to the automobile.

As I travel down the freeway, I often think of it as a deadly river.
Try to cross it, and it will kill.

I am of the thought that humanity will kill itself off, which is not a bad thing for the rest of the planet...

Cars are one of our deadliest creations.

In the last six months I have been saddened by the sight of a coyote/wolf (it was too large for a coyote) laying where it was struck. Dead eyes stareing back at us.
Two weeks later it we a bobcat. Same location.

Last week I swerved to miss a snake making its way across the road.

Earlier I helped move an 18" snapping turtle off the road. I then "chased" him back into the wood.

Thursday as I drove from the old house back to the new, I saw a mangle of dirty black hair, wet from the rain. I stopped and moved the little black kitty, his body covered in flys, from the place where someone struck and killed her, to the side of the road, where at least she would not be ground into a pulp. I would have liked to have brought her over to the new house where we could bury and honor her. I had nothing to carry her in. Nothing to keep the smell from saturating my car interior...

damn automobile...

how many animals would still be alive in the world today if we commuted by train and trolley car.

maybe our children's children...

Friday, June 15, 2007

New and "improved"

Last night,

this morning,
way too early I might add,
Zelda's mom, and I set off to Baylor Medical Center to have some work done on
da girls.

If you have visited my wife's blog lately, she has decided,
we have decided,
that getting a reduction would be beneficial for Zelda's health.

Try as she might, losing weight was difficult due to neck and back pains caused by large breasts.

You could say they were a pain in her neck.

Fortunately, insurance recognizes that there is a marked improvement in women's health by reducing boobage sighs.

Z did her research and found a doctor she liked and we signed up for a consultation.
His office submitted the paper work, along with photos, to our insurance and four weeks later we were cleared to start.

It will be an adjustment seeing her with a smaller silhouette.
She was worried I would be turned off by the scars.
I just want them to be proportional to her body.

Which should now make it easier for her to lose weight.
It had gotten to the point where fifteen minutes of walking/exercise and her back would begin to hurt her so much that she'd have to stop.

She is staying over at the hospital tonight, and we will bring her home tomorrow.

Her spirits 'perked' right up after the heavy medicine wore off.

Wish her luck!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Please take a look

to the right is my links column.
at the bottom is "free press".

Please take a moment and click on it and read the article on keeping the internet free...

(I do not get anything for the link, etc.)

Google was just accused of being the worst of the LARGE CORPORATIONS gaining control of the internet for PRIVACY issues.

Google bought blogspot, this very web site, last year and logged us into its I-collect-everything-on-you files...

Send the Congress and the FCC a note...

check out the link


I sent in my paper work back in April for my Architectual Registration.

It came back with a letter and my check.

Seems the Feds have passed a law somewhere along the way that requires me, or you, to Prove you are a good 'ole 'merican citizen before they will let you get registered.

That posed a problem.

I have a passport.

I have a social security card.

What I don't have, is a lock box.

So I put all my important, I-am-a-natural-born-merican paper work in a "safe place"... shortly...

I found it Sunday as I was clearing out the last of the old office to move it over to the new garage.

It was where I left it...

I have recent out the paper work.

Rock on!

Sunday, June 03, 2007


mo wants to help blog with me,
but since he doesn't have thumbs, he makes up for it by lying on one letter and going for volume, rather than quality.

moving sure takes up your attention and time...

We have had guests visit every weekend since we moved in the new house.


We didn't have anyone visit the old place in the two years we've been married.

I do miss the larger garage of the old place.

I can't park the cars
AND the Harley in the garage...
at the same time...

We have had crazy rain this year.

In the last 10 days of May, we have had 14 inches of rain... (as collected in our back yard)

So far for June, in two days we have had 3.6 inches...


Thus ends a 6 year drought...

in Texas...


thanks to Zelda's business,

we have





Home Sweet Home

We have finally moved into the new place!
We have been here for about three weeks.
Still have to clear out the old house completely...

but we are here!

Very nice to be in a new place with no tired wall paper or flooring.

Cats like it too!
Lots of new places to climb.
I can't say that I ever saw the cats on top of the cabinets,
or shelves,
or master closet shelves,
at the old house.

We even had the computers networked yesterday so I can balance the books, access the interent, and such while Zelda does the same.

life is good...