My new work place is wonderful.
The people are great, knowledgeable, caring, and professional.
And they like to have fun as well.
T and I sit down at one end of the space, with the 'long timers' down at the other.
They are my age and 3 of the 4 are fellow Aggies.
Many a day I have heard whistling comming from the 'east side'.
The ole "whistle while you work" has a twist.
Christmas songs are popular, as are 50's lounge tunes.
And they tend to be catchy.
Seems they can't stand a solo, and are compelled to join in chorus.
"Jingle bells' in the key of Oh!"
Originally, they had wanted a drafting grunt when I interviewed.
I told them that was not what I was looking for,
so they changed the job description to fit me.
I want to do "everything" and so far, they have given me a lot of rope.
T supervises our end of the building and he's great.
Very calm, friendly, and usually gets there before everyone else and many times is the last to leave. (I only recently learned he's had a heart transplant!)
Tomorrow we get an intern for the summer.
A friend's daughter majoring in Interior Design.
Hopefully she'll be a useful part of the office and not a burden as has been my experience with interns. (specifically Interiors majors, I've had two)
So T will have to *supervise* me (not really),
the intern,
a new guy we have coming in,
and Cowboy.
Cowboy has been with the company for some time now, and is the exception to the rule about great workers.
Cowboy likes the girls,
and meets many of them on line,
at work...
They had decided to remove the 'grunts' from the internet so as to stop this activity.
But since I am not a grunt... they instead decided to leave Cowboy on the net for the time being so as to not cause waves...
In reality, it seems to me that they are lying to him and not being up front and honest.
(your work is poor, you should not be on the internet, you are about to be fired)
But I am not privy to their conversations and do not know what's transpired between the three of them other than Coach knows about the net distractions...
I walked past his desk the other day and one of his 'ladies' had sent him a candid photo of her with out her clothes.
Which he happened to *enlarge*,
as I was passing by.
Coach, our boss, would not like this if he knew it.
But coach,
like his name,
tries to see the good in everyone,
giving them their turn at bat,
even if he's sure they will only strike out.
Up till now I haven't said anything to Cowboy.
But tomorrow I'll have too.
The new intern will be seated behind him.
She shouldn't be taught bad habits.
(nor as we all agreed, be subjected to him)
2) My silence,
even though I do not have the authority,
is giving him the,
"it's okay to do that on company time"
from me.
And it's NOT okay.
Maybe if he was able to get his work done on time and accurately.
But time after time T has to check his work and red line it over and over.
And ultimately T and I had to correct his work on his last project.
We can't seem to figure out why he misses so many things...
(he's not on the internet 100% of the time after all, but my thinking is that he is interupted often enough with IM that he forgets where he was in the work...)
He can't even get the walls in the right place, let alone the details...
T told Coach that he would no longer be able to watch over him and that Coach would need to supervise.
Coach isn't always around to ask how to do something, but T, T is always there...
So, I am working my courage up to talk to Cowboy,
in a professional,
respectful manor.
Trying to be diplomatic and 'fair' as my position will allow.
But this has got to stop...
And I have to do what I can with in my limits.
This company allows me to step up and lead.
And that is something I'm ready to do.