That was the name of the film we saw Tuesday at church.
The big haired Rev. Billy, (comedian/political protester) preaches against the commercialization of the holiday.
Christmas as we know it was drummed up and promoted by companies wanting to sell stuff.
They wrap it in a religious "giving" theme and get the churches in on the act.
"Christ" really ISN'T the reason for the season.
It's based on the pagan festival of lights.
Darkest time of year and all...
We light candles in the Church and turn out all the lights at evening service.
Jesus didn't do that in his ministry...
Back to the film.
"The Rev. Billy and his Church of Stop Shopping starts in New York and over the month of Dec. make their way to LA. to Disney Land where the "Great Satan" lives.
He makes his points...
After the film the Pastor at our church passes the mike around for thoughts and comments.
The initial impact for me was, "How did we get to a place where on a public street in NY, there are hundreds of company billboards and advertisements expressing "free" speech
I have always thought that free speech should be Exactly That, FREE, as in, speech for the sake of speech, and NOT SPEECH for the intent to make money*, there in Times Square.
Later in the film Billy enters shops and eventually Disney Land to express his Free Speech, STOP SHOPPING and enjoy each other!
Of course it's private property and he is arrested.
Christmas in the religious sense is about family and being together.
Christmas in the commercial sense is about making a profit.
Christmas in America seems to be more about the Shopping and less about family.
I think there is something holy in the act of giving.
As a well known author has said, "G-d doesn't need to receive things from us, but we need to give things to G-d".
The question becomes for me...
What is it that I am giving?
and in turn,
What is it that I SHOULD give...?
Zelda and I are making donations to Heifer International in honor of our family members this year.
Now there's a give worth giving...
What I wish I had said in the comments period of our time the other night is Rev. Billy gives us an answer to "How do we compete with the
Disneys and Starbucks of the world?" when the constant messages we hear are "Consume".
The Bible gives us one shield as it were...
I believe it's commandment 4, Honor the Sabbath and keep it Holy.
(I may have blogged about this in the past, but it's worth repeating)
I tried this back a number of years ago and the results were surprising.
1) G-d gives us the ability to make something Holy.
2) I used the Law to set my priorities. How do I keep this day special?
Orthodox Jews have created rules to make this happen.
Do not work, nor allow anyone else to do work for you.
Do not watch TV.
Do not shop.
Spend the time with family and church.
What I came to find out as I did this was, Sunday became the center of my week.
I have to get milk today, Saturday, or I'll have to
squeeze it in Monday.
Friends wanting to go shopping after church, or out to lunch, I can spend time with them (the intent of the law), but I won't be buying anything.
It's a great discipline.
But not many of my Christian friends were willing to even consider trying it.
(I only had one friend out of hundreds who told me they'd tried it)
It occurs to me that I miss it and will work (I am married now) to
en corporate it back into my life.
Watching TV with the family is not the same thing as Being with family.
Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas