We received a Love Letter from the City today regarding a "leaf pile", that is most likely our compost pile.
Seems there is something potentially illegal about it and would warrant a "fine" or "lien" on the property.
Aikido promotes blending with the conflict.
Something I need to continue practicing...
The city recently changed our trash pick up.
It went from twice a week to once a week.
And from trash cans to "the trash can we provide".
So most folks in the neighborhood have had "over flow" problems.
The City has offered a remedy for this City induced problem...
We will charge you and provide an additional trash can.
(In addition, the Bulk Trash Pick Up that had been monthly, is now every other month.
There is no scheduled bulk pickup for January.
It will be interesting to see how the post Christmas clean up happens...)
Zelda and I don't have this trouble.
First we recycle.
90% of our trash is recycled.
It takes about a month to fill up our regular trash.
While our recycle bins go out everyother week.
And second
we compost.
Coffee grounds,
garden waste,
banana peels,
grass clippings.
Any old food stuffs.
Egg shells.
(no meat products which cause vermin and odor problems)
The standard method of dealing with yard clippings is to bag it and put it in the trash.
Which goes to the land fill, and is taken out of the life cycle, burried between layers of plastic used to contain toxic fluids and heavy metals, also thrown out, from making its way into the water table.
Composting is promoted by the state through the State Parks.
We are keeping the biowaste created in our home/yard here on the property where it can be used to improve the local soils.
No fossil fuels needed to ship it off to the dump.
No money made...
Maybe That's the real problem...
America, land of the ...'free'.
opps... typo
that should read