This week started out with Zelda taking me to the Dallas Symphony to hear the Chieftains play.
She bought tickets for my birthday, which is at the end of the month, so I get a number of "birthdays" this year!!
Kind of nice...
She got to see/hear the Meyerson Symphony hall as well!
There are a number of friend's birthdays this month.
*It's COLD and DARK in January!*
We spent last Saturday working around the house.
Sunday was a day of rest.
And Monday was a much needed holiday.
Zelda finally was ready to play Cash flow, a board game designed as a learning tool.
The designer suggests that one is ready to move on to the next level after playing the game at least 12 times and being able to get out of the Rat Race with in an hour three times in a row.
The game takes about, on average, three hours to play
Zelda on her *first try* got out in 62 minutes!
I wasn't even close...
So we played again.
This time she beat me in about 65 minutes.
I have never gotten out in 62 minutes, and I've been playing for a while now...
The fastest I have seen anyone get out involved taking out huge loans so that they could go into the Big Deals which require upwards of $6,000 per. (My experience has been the Big Deals are the way to go)
This will make no sense at all if you haven't played or heard of the game.
(It's on the net through
I was very happy that Zelda finally wanted to play. And as much as I'd have liked to "beat" her, *it's not that kind of game*.
Time to pay closer attention to what she's doing so as to learn new ways of thinking, which is what the game is all about.
Tuesday we started car pooling, which *sounds* worse than it is.
I blogged about its benifits earlier, so I won't rehash it.
There was some fall out.
Senior Architect didn't like the idea that I would be leaving so "early", I get in at 7:00, I work an extra hour for the Man, and leave at 4:30 instead of 5:30. I would, some where down the line, like to ask for every other Friday off to balance out the time. But that will have to wait...
The Man rarely visits our part of the office, so the Kid told me that SA told the Man I was leaving a hour and a half early.
"Daddy! He's getting more of the ice cream!!"
What a loser...
So I played the "two parents" off each other.
" Well if it's okay with SA, you can leave early".
"What did the Man say?"
They both said, "Yes".
(I had talked to the Man the week before and told him the hours, but he didn't hear me. Like so many of us, he was already forming his response in his head. He too is car pooling with his wife and wanted to tell me so.)
Senior is
very inefficient with the use of his time. Every time the phone rings, he *must* answer it. And he likes to wait till the last moment to suprise us with, "this HAS to get out tonight".
His joke is, "We worked 12 hours today, which means we're slacking, because we only put in Half a day!".
The truth has come out.
He is unhappy. Bitter. And most likely lonely.
He bad mouths the Man every chance he gets.
Now I used to buy into this kind of poison.
It was only when a good friend at the office suggested a different way of thinking about SA that I was able to "think for myself again".
I hate when I fall into those personality fights.
The Man may have his flaws, but he is doing "great things" in his life.
Starting and running his own company.
Helping create the Interiors licensing (as much as I detest it). Great fortunes have been made for many people because of it.
He was interviewed recently for a trade magazine.
SA, I believe is very insecure, and very jealous.
Why else would one attack someone?
Our current architectural intern, the Kid, is about ready to quit.
He is spending more than he earns, and the Man, doesn't give out large raises. The one he got for his review was "insulting".
(Very foolish on the Man's part.
Stepping over a dime to pick up a penny.
Bad for moral.
Very expensive in turn overs.)
In addition, SA is a prick, and the Kid's friends are making more than he is, from leads he has given them!!
He says he'd like to stay...
I'm going in this next week to ask for one myself. I am dreading it.
I am also going to request my own projects.
There were serveral jobs that were "mine" when I started here a year ago, that I am watching being handed off to the new guy...
Leaving me to work directly under Senior Architect...
which is why I have not been available to run them...
This will NOT continue...
I am encouraging the Kid to either talk to the boss or get out, because there is no sense, in this market, to stay where he's unhappy.
But at least he can get into the habit of approaching the Boss Man, who ever they may be, to stand up for himself.
I'd like to see him stay.
I suggested he talk to Superman, *instead* of SA, since he is doing what I want to do, and is in the best position in the whole office. Younger than I am, he has job security, and the ear of the boss. He has little ego, and incredible tack. He doesn't get caught up in the office politics to the extent that we in the back do..
This week has been good.
Zelda blogged last week and has figured out a way to blog via her email, which means she can post from work when things are slow, of course.
Zelda is out today buying art supplies and making(?) a new work friend, so this means I can get to the laundry for her and maybe do some more sorting and cleaning up!