Saturday, July 30, 2005

Oh my stomach...

The doctor has placed me on an antibiotic that is running rampant through my gut.
Side effects are similar to a large Italian meal, followed by a ride on the Texas Giant roller coaster. Just add tums.

We went for date night last evening and stopped by Ziziki's Greek Restaurant for dinner.
About 5 minutes into the main dish, the odors were begining to get to me, in addition to the heat. I asked Zelda if we could leave. I felt bad about it. It was our first really "fancy" dinner here in Dallas. She was paying, and I had to cut it short.

I am going to give my doctor a call and see if there is something else I can try.

And did I mention it REALLY tastes BAD??? (REALLY BAD)
I have difficulty swallowing pills. These are two 500 mg. horse pills.
"Do not break, SWALLOW WHOLE".

*That has yet to happen*

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Whorl Wind

Our wedding was very nice.
Zelda did a wonderful job of planning it.

I let her know what I'd like to do/see and she put it together.

"Bubba the Budda" is from Zelda's bestest friend. I like it in that it is purely of a spirirtual nature. Not that the other gifts weren't. If one believes that we experience G*d through others, then all the social gifts, the gazebo, the grill, the ice cream maker, etc. offer opportunities to gather. And thus, are of the Spirit.

After San Antonio, we headed into the "hill country". Most of Texas consists of ancient shallow sea. Limestone and such. But once a upon a time we had volcanic activity. And this formed most of the Hill Country.

Zelda has us booked into another bed and breakfast in Fredricksburg, which turned out to be not what we expected, and thus, a disappointment. It was a converted garage, owned by a local shop owner, who had filled the space with a lot of kitch for sale. (yes, there were sales tags on most everything.) And though it was on the owner's property, their (1910) house was not five feet away, they were running it more like a hotel. We never met them, never saw them. Like I said, a great disappointment. But more about that in a later blog.

On to the good stuff.

Fredricksburg is a German town. Main street is for tourists. Lots of kitch, see above.
The side streets were lovely. Many old victorian homes.

And lots of great food!

We came across 'Der Linenbaum' German restaurant on Main. Small but great food. Zelda even like the red cabage. Being of German decent, she has not taken to red cabage.

Another great place is just off of Main, called "Rather Sweet". It has had many write ups in the Gormet and Texas magazines. It has a small courtyard accessed by a path from Main and is a converted two story house.

The Spider Pot above was purchaised at "Garden Spirits", which is moving off of Main to get away from the kitch and tourists. I'm not sure this is the smartest move, as we would never have found it. It has all sorts of great pottery, masks, bead work and carvings. What a treasure!

The owner, Lynn, and his girl friend travel the Americas looking for South Western and Native Indian art work.

Zelda bought four Seed Pots from another artist from the same Mexican village as the creator of the spider. (We have adopted a habit of buying one piece of Art work for each trip we take.)
I suprized her with it at dinner. (No, it did not sit down besider her,) "I don't remember buying this one..."
That's the fun of it sweet heart!

When you stop by Fredricksburg next time, make sure to stop by "the Garden of Beaden" and say, "Hi", to Shelly, the proprietor. She sold some beads to Zelda and we talked with her for about 45 minutes. She's great! And she's just a few doors down on Main Street, south east end, from the B&B office. She'll be happy to tell you the great places to eat in town. Tell her the internet couple from Dallas sent you. (Every time a new couple came in she made sure they knew we were newly weds!) And by the way, she's looking for a good man, if you know what I mean...

Finally we stopped by Wild Seed Farms, on the way to Austin. It is the largest privately owned wild seed farm in the country. We shopped and wondered the gardens.
I picked up some wild flower seeds for the yard. I want to xeriscape the yard. We'll have to argue with the city when the time comes. Many cities want standard high maintenance green yards, instead of Green Yards the conserve water and resources. It will also add beauty to the street.

Though our yard guy might not like it. Fewer cuttings...
Happy Travels.



At the moment, I feel
"Powerless, ineffective, inept, infirm, see unable, weak " ("Webster's New World Dictionary")

I have been sick all week with a sinus infection, that has knocked me out.

There are chores being done by Zelda.
Seems most of them get done by her lately.
By the time I make it home, they're finished.

Including her coffee.

The house is a mess, her things are still in boxes.
She gets depressed when she gets home...
The things we have unpacked don't have a place to live yet..
I'm not sure what to do... maybe a garage sale...? I personally have never been big on selling other folks my junk... Then there is Good Will.

We have scheduled a 4 day weekend in August to rent a dumpster to throw stuff out.

Both our old beds are too small. Full sized. Works well for one person and a cat. Or the occational lover. We are not sleeping well. Her's is currently housing her kitchen stuff. She won't let me sleep on the couch so she can get some uninterupted sleep, seems I snore... Not to mention, push her out of bed.

On our Wedding trip we discovered King Sized beds. So large I was never aware I was sharing a bed...You could hide three adults in one of those and they'd never know it.

We don't currently have the space or the $$$ to buy a new one. Maybe that can be her goal. Save for a new bed.

Ikea opens in Aug. so we can begin designing the new kitchen lay out. It was nice for 1973, but isn't large enough to be a serious cooking kitchen. And Zelda likes to cook.

I have already booked our New Year's Eve get a way to the Broadmoor in Colorado, Springs.
Now to pay off the bills of the last few months and to save up for the trip.
I put together my long term financial plan last night.
I toyed with it a few years ago when I was working for myself, but I strayed off plan.

This brings up fears and concerns of mine.
I want to share this dream and goal and ideas with Zelda, because I can see her being THE implementor of these plans. I want her to understand and be a team with me. So that she can go out on her own and make her own deals, and not be dependant on me.

But what does she want...?

She has a "let's DO IT!" attitude.

She instigated our wedding plans.
She got the ball rolling and is the reason we have our Gazebo, (had she not made the calls the very next morning while I was still in bed, we would not have it).
She started the info gathering for our next vacation.

The speaker at the financial conference I attended last month spoke of a united front. His wife was well aware of what life would be like with him before they married. He did this because he saw partners of his, whose spouces didn't understand, have marital problems and most ended in divorce.

I have faith in her, and I must have faith in myself.
And that is the hardest part... I can do this.
We can do this.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Seems so long ago...

It was at this time only last month that I was besides myself with Woody's health issues.

He had a good life. I could have cleaned his cat box more regularly, but he seemed happy.

On month later and he is now a "box kitty". (He was a "house kitty". When he was in the garage, he was a "garage kitty", etc.) Now what is left of his earthly kitty body resides in a pretty cedar box. He's over by the back door so the sun can warm him in the mornings.

One month later and I am married.

The house is still a mess.
Zelda has a plan which I am warming too.

Rent a haul off dumpster, take a 4 day weekend, and throw everything out.
I started on the garage last Saturday, compartmentalizing "trash", "good will/donation" "keep". The "keep" was Very small.

Zelda and I are both pack rats. I have far more than I need or want anymore.

J has a philosophy that I am trying to adopt, I don't always get to the follow through.
When you bring something new into the house, something old must go out.
I'm playing catch up!

I hope Woody didn't think it applied to kitties!!

Under the weather

I'd like to start with, 'Everyone should have a Sunday like last Sunday!!!'.

We slept in late.
Had a little nookie.
I made French Toast for brunch for my bride (turned out Great!).
Then on for an afternoon nap.

Then a leisurely evening watching movies together.
Followed by bed time snuggling, which turned into
more nookie!!

We didn't go ANYwhere.

'cept to bed.
Under the weather.
I woke Monday with vertigo.
Going this afternoon to visit the doc. I think it's a sinus problem.
Did I mention I stayed home Monday and half a day today?
Further more, I have a dead line tonight...

We'll see.

In the last year or so, my body has started "complaining" when I drink alcohol. Now I have always had an allergy to dark beers, but it manifested itself in the form of sneezing. It still makes me sneeze, and has added a Stomach accent that kindly asks,

"Could you Please not drink that stuff anymore?".

We had hard liquor at the party Friday, which didn't seem to bother me as much. For a while I thought, "Ah ha! I still have an alcoholic venue to pursue!". Body told me later in the day Saturday, "Don't get too happy bub."

Last night after getting home, Zelda insisted I get some meds and get off to bed. I didn't think I looked that bad.
I went for that old stand by, Nyquil.

Which has alcohol...


Today I have my sinus trouble, my alcohol alergies, and a nyquil hangover...

Drugs, got to love them...not.

French Toast with a twist.
Substitute Butter milk for whole milk.
1 1/2 cups milk
1/4 cup sugar
4 large eggs
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 table spoon vanilla
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

2 table spoons butter (for the pan)

mix ingredients and pour over bread to soak.
heat your pan to med/hot heat and add one table spoon butter.
cook 3 to 4 minutes (till brown) and turn, cook another 2 to 3 minutes and serve.

If you are like me, cook the toast the shorter time for a more custard like finish.
Zelda suggests Orange Zest, (which we didn't have.)

Good Stuff!!

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Well, we done did it!

Zelda asked me last night if "I felt married".
She is not the first person to ask. ID (interior designer) from the office asked at lunch on Tuesday.

What does that mean?

(ID is also know as "the reverend" on Zelda's blog. He's ordained in Scientology))

For date night, and Zelda is child like in her LOVE of date night (and me), we went to an AIDS research fund raiser.

*I asked Zelda why aids needs money, it seems to be doing very well all by itself*

It was populated by a large contingency of Gay men.

ID had invited us and was there with friends.

There has been some speculation at the office as to Id's orientation.
He keeps his private life just that.
I will continue to honor that wish.
ID *fondly* refers to Senior Architect to his friends as "Bubba". Which is true.

Yes children, racism is alive and well in Texas.

"I'm not racist!, I have many _____ (insert group of choice here) friends"

I have told former employers that I would quit if racial remarks were used in my company.
That tended to work fairly well.
At least I stopped hearing it.

For white folks today's slur is no longer "niger", but "Canadian".

When I confront Senior Architect for what it is, Racial Hatred, he always back peddles and I get, "What did you say?".

He is very active in the funamentalist church. Loves his family. I'm not sure if racism and fundamentalism go hand in hand, but someone in the pulpit at his church isn't doing enough to combat ugliness in the name of Jesus.

Amusingly enough, Senior Architect tried to bring racism into a conversation with a client of his. The client wouldn't take the bait and responded with "Oh, you mean demographics".
One of ID's friends at the party was a very handsom British man. (think of Angle from Buffy the Vampire) (I wish I was that well dressed) He told us amusing stories of pulling his designer luggage out of his Audi TT at a military base in Tennessee and having his airforce brother exclaim, "Could you look any more Gay?!" "But I got it in Paris for a really great price and it fits perfectly in the boot of my car!"

He then told us that even though his six brothers and their wives know and are okay with it, he can not let his Orthodox Jewish parents find out he perfers men. They would tear their clothes and it would be as if he never existed in his home or community. He even agreed to an arranged marriage when he was younger. (Id was married to a woman twice his age for a time)
So he lives overseas and waits till the day they pass away or develope alzheimers...
What kind of G*d would do that to someone?

Monday, July 18, 2005


Mr. and Mrs. theBunny!

It's official, we're married!!
And you can see it on Real Live Preacher.

Thanks Gordon!

Friday, July 15, 2005

Only One Day till your "Event"

Last night we gathered with friends, old and new, for Zelda, all new, for a non traditional Bachelor Party.

Had we had the traditional type, Dr. S, and Di, and Zelda, and Frankly all would not have been "allowed" as they are girls! Women really. Very much women.

On the patio of La Duni's, across the street from Crate and Barrel, 'you have only one more day till your event', we laughed and talked and joked and talked about pets and children.

The marrieds some how all ended up on one end of the table, with the cool hip singles gathered at the other end.

And there was Zelda and I in the middle. The transitional stage.
Excitement and energy on one end, and comfort and satisfacition balancing the other.
S & CC, Zelda and I want you to know we are sending our possitive energy and prayers your way.

We'd love to have you in Texas, even if it's 4 hours away. I think you would like it here, once you got over the heat. San Antonio can be a very romantic place.
And the hill country is beautiful!
Sorry you were not able to make it down to our wedding there.
We were hopeful and excited at the news you might.
Magda and her man have arrived, our things are packed, Gaea is pissed.
But she will survive.

On to Adventures!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

CoffeeTable Diary

When I was younger, say, late teens, early twenties, I had a diary.
One of those small ones, with the lock on it and the little key that always gets lost.

I would jot things down in it.
Mostly, trials and tribulations in the dating arena.

Teenaged angst.

Then, in the fall of 2001, my singles pastor gave me a diary to keep to help me process my emotions and life as my mother was dying.

Almost exactly half way through the book, she died.

Before and after, during the crisis.

I haven't opened it since.
Bought a new one, but didn't keep up with it.

This is my new diary, this blog.

Only this one is left out on the coffee table for anyone to peruse.
I just don't see who picks it up to read it.

Most look at it and put it back down.
While a few jot down notes in the margins to say they were here.

It is not as private as those little books I have on my shelf at home.
But it seems to do the trick.

Monday, July 11, 2005

I had a Dream...

Saturday morning,
I awoke from a dream,
which I usually never do.
Woody had come to sit on my lap.
I did not pet him.
He simply sat there
and looked up at me.

As if to say,

"It's okay,
I understand.
I forgive you".

I saw him as clearly as ever I had.

And after a while,
he hopped up,
as he always did,
and wandered away.


And I was left with a warm place,
in my dream lap.

I could feel the heat on my skin
where he had been...

(art work by Zelda)

Sunday, July 10, 2005

The Spirit

I am famished for the Experience of G*d.

Life has run us ragged.
Zelda picked up a book on the Altars of Mexico yesterday with my sister.

I was not ready for it yesterday.

Looking through it today, it was facinating.

Spirituality is so important to these families that they make it a physical expression in their daily life through a shrine, which they Create Themselves.

I don't neccessarily understand it.
They make me uncomfortable.

My G*d tells me that to make or pray to such images is a, "NO, NO".
I'd like to have Zelda officiate over a small cerimony for lost Loved ones.

We'll see...

Male lingery

Yesterday at the shoe store, I was feeling down, well, that was most of yesterday, and so I called my love, Zelda to let her know we were not less than a block away in the shoe store.

Being new to Dallas, she was unaware of the closeness of our proximity.
That and she and my sister were shopping for Lingerie.

I was proptly informed that I should have J take me shopping for Male Lingerie, and that, being Gay, he would know exactly what she was talking about.

He wasn't, but we had some fun anyway.

Love you Zelda!

Shopping, Laughter, and Tears

I went shopping with J yesterday for wedding accoutrimonts, as Zelda is fond of saying.

We also picked up my ring. It is very pretty. White gold on Yellow. Milled edge.
And like Lelo in "Lelo and Stitch", sweet Zelda bought it for me, but needed a little help from me.
I wore it yesterday.

Zelda, in turn, went shopping with my sister, MeToo. We ended up in the same part of town, and for a while, were with in a block of each other, even though we were not, in fact, in the same mall.

To be happy and saddened at the same time. Currently, the sadness is fresher, and is winning out.
Having experienced the death of my father when I was 16, and helping my mother in her last days 18 years later, I know that the emotions lessen over time, get burried if not vented.
I have been confronting those fearful thoughts this weekend, to exercise them...

Which each passing, old emotions from the past bubble up to demand attention. Attention that should have been given years ago.

Woody wanted to be at the house. He would have been contented, if not happy, to passed a long and even painful death at home, in my bed.

Instead we boxed him up, took him in the car, which caused him great discomfort, to the vet, where he DID NOT WANT TO BE. Stuck him with needles, had him carried into the noisy back area, and finally dragged out of his carrier, where he had climbed, to be handled by the dreaded, but very kind, Vet. And finally, to have his sore leg, catheter in place, and injected with that which would take his life.

He went limp. He was gone.

Zelda gets short tempered with me for rehashing these things. Saying out load painful fears of MINE.
I am exercising my GREATEST FEARS.

Please let me do this sweet Zelda.

I know, with out a doubt, that I did everything I could in HIS best interest. That is my hope and prayer.

It's just that my "best", still wasn't "enough".
My Woody Kitty, my little old man, my kitty of love and desire. My one eyed wonder kitten.

He wasn't a kitten. Not be far. He was an Ooolllddd man.
Tired and warn out.
Parts breaking down and failing.

now I'm rambling...
It's going to take me a while to work through these emotions.

I feel bad that folks are loosing sisters and brothers and sons and mothers and fathers, and I am crying over a cat...
When mom passed, I wanted to KNOW that there was a heaven.
She believed.
Dad, I don't know...
Grandmother believed...

Was Woody greated by mom and grandma when he left?
Do we continue after our light on earth goes out?

Breakfast and the living call,

"Coming Zelda!""

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Lost in the moment

Woody's illness has so consumed my thoughts of late,
that I have not been able to blog
about the other things going on in life.

visiting the farmer's market last weekend.
Making fresh chip dips with Zelda with those fresh peppers, tomatoes, onions, and such.
Sharing said dips with J, Red, and friends for a Fourth of July barbecue.
Of grilling on our new grill on the Fourth.

I am tired.
Crying will do that to you.

For those of you wondering what all the fuss is about a cat, here are some previous links you might read to "get to know him a little better".
"Coming to grips" Oct. 2004
"Oh my stomach" Aug. 2004
"Woody" Jan. 2005
"Discipline" Feb. 2005
"The Kitty Landmine Game" Feb. 2005
"Kitty Snores" Feb. 2005

"Kitty Time" Mar. 2005
"Back in Kitty Prison" Mar 2005
"Out on Bail" Apr. 2005
"Two Cat Owners Walk into the Vet" June 2005
"Woody Verdict In" June 2005
"Loving Continues" June 2005
"Loving" June 2005
and finally every entry for July from this one back to the begining of the month.

Yesterday Zelda and I went to the government office to get our marriage license.

Picture if you will, harsh flourescent light reflecting off the white concrete block walls, down onto the worn out linolium (pardon me for not giving a sh*t about how that's spelled. Honest, I do know how it's spelled). No windows, no natural light. Now picture two people sitting at desks, back in the far corners, behind a sea of folding chairs and photo copied signs saying, "No cell phones".
'No cell phones', I didn't come here for a cell phone. I came here for a marriage license.

The person at the desk resites the legal notice and we pay the $36.00.
Zelda about had a cow and needed a moment after she read that the certificate will be mailed to "Mr. and Mrs. Bunny".

Two kids walked in as we were with the clerk. YOUNG. Had "divorsed in two years" written all over their foreheads. I wish them luck.

G*d has Woody. Mom has Woody. Grandma has Woody.
I have his memory, some sound recordings, and dirty carpets.

Love you Woody cat, my Kitten of LOVE and DESIRE.




woody's gone..............................

AND IT FUCKING SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 08, 2005

Loving Remembered

Sad news.

Two weeks ago, we looked forward with anticipation of being a three cat family.

It was not meant to be.

We are sadly, now a one cat family.

Thank you for your thoughts, energy, and prayers.

Karl and Zelda thebunny

Post Script

Woody kept up that interest in food, so I gave him some lunch fixin's.

Ham, mayonaise, cheese, ice cream, along with more kitty food and water.

At midnight I checked on him to find he had eaten most of the lunch meat.
I restocked him, along with some turkey.

He showed interest in the turkey.

I turned in.

the Dr.'s voice kept saying,

"try baby food",

"try baby food",

"try baby food".

So at 12:45 am I went looking for baby food.

I am glad I did.

He ate almost a whole jar of the beef, and between the turkey and beef, he ate a jar plus some, along with the two slices of ham.
The ride aint over yet!
Thanks to all of you out there who have sent your hungry thoughts and energy to us.

Thank you!

We are never alone

Thursday, July 07, 2005


At lunch today, I went out with DJ.
He is young, and energetic, and in the know.

I admire many of the folks at the office for different things.

Superman for his attention to details, his disipline, and his demeaner.

Senior Architect for his friendliness and determination.

For Ubber worker for her go!go! energy and willingness to constantly learn.

And DJ for his excitement with life. He's always ready to try something new or go somewhere. He's a "guy's guy".
DJ and I went to lunch today.
We talked about great Architecture, the kind with a capital "A".
About art, music.
My goal was to avoid shop talk and the negativity that pervades our office.

I let it creep in.
It was at this moment that I realized how poisoned I have become.
I got home tonight and saw Woody.
He's eatting only a pitance.
Not enough to keep going.
When I tried to bribe him with ice cream and wet kitty food, he wouldn't take it.
Zelda and I talked and decided to call the vet and end it.
I do not want to have him suffer one moment than he must.
*Is that for me?
Or for him?*

We put in a call to the vet emergency line to take him in tonight... that would be, to take him in to be put to sleep... *OUCH!!!*

About that time Woody came in from the garage, walked over to the kitty food * I love those two words, the way they sound when you speak them aloud*
and proceeded to lap up some gravy. Then over to scratch his claws on the mat.

He show some interest in food, but not much appetite.

Zelda and I believe he is ready to go. At the same time, he keeps showing signs of wanting to wait a bit...

I am exhausted over my emotions for my cat.
Lack of sleep plays into it somewhere.

I was ready to box him up and take him to the vet tonight.
Zelda and I are going for our Texas Marriage License tomorrow.
She did not want to have the painful memory attached to the joyous one.

Isn't that what life's about?
That is what I have been someone...somewhere.

G*d will decide for Woody. And me. And Zelda.

I need to slow down,
and listen...

What I hear from Woody is...
"Not just yet please".

Loving is

A well loved pet.

Maybe I am focusing on a cat way too much.
Tomorrow is D day for Mr. Woody, the One Eyed Wonder Cat.

No more, "Want to see my One Eyed Woody?" jokes...

We go in tomorrow to check on his numbers.
Is all this discomfort working?
And working towards... What?

As Zelda said, "It won't cure him".

I am suffering from depression due to this stress.
Lack of sleep.

I can only imagine what it's like for him...
Never having been this sick myself...

I have to believe that the Dr. has his best interest at Heart.
And so we will continue this line of treatment for a few more days?

It will be Friday night and I will have the weekend to cry if need be...
akward at best in the office.

Yet understanding.
This is a cat office.
We have lost two kitties this year.
One in surgery.
Another in a tragic house accident.
To love is to eventually loose.
Maybe to let go and give...

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

At long last

I have decided it is in Woody's best interest...
to let him go.

He did a wonderful job in taking care of two dying women in his time. That's a lot to say for a cat. He was wonderful in taking care of me, even though I was angry. Angry at mom for dying. Angry at him, because I didn't want a cat.

We picked him up last night from a week in the vets.

And although, at times he looks okay, I think he is ready to go too.

His numbers are not where the Dr. would like them to be. 7, not 3.

We would have to give him infusions once a day, (100cc) which leave him sore and tired.
He growls when I pick him up. He doesn't have an appetite. I'd have to force feed him appetite stimulants twice a day till he decides he's hungry on his own...

And then there is the reluctant sister.
She is not ready to share her mama with ME let alone another, sick cat. One more stressor for him to deal with while he attempts to recover...

I can already see it getting into a "your child", "my child" situation.
And we don't need that...

Woody, thank you for taking care of mom, and grandma.
For all the late night snuggles and the insistance that I feed you, or pet you, or play with you.

I regret not having let you go one week ago, when you were ready to go. The vet seemed so optimistic, but your quality of life is non existant. We are only putting off the inevitable...
And I would be the one in pain, with Zelda to comfort me...

Your passing brings up echos of mom's passing just 4 short years ago. Too soon. My mind will be at ease, as will yours.

Forgive me.

And I will be sad,
and I will cry,
and will miss you.

Because I love you.


Talked with the vet today.
She is still optimistic and wants me to give him more time.
Woody is tired, yes.
Pissed at us, yes.
He was left at the vet for a week.
He had a needle stuck in his leg for all of that time.
Last night he got home to the house, and now he can be mad at Zelda and me.

**************I guess this ties into waiting for Mom to die.
I knew it was comming.
No one else realised how close she was, as I was living with her.
I watched her fad away over a three day period.
The waiting was unbearable.

She finally slipped away the day after Christmas, 2001,
when no one was looking.

How I longed for her to get it over with...
She did. And I could move on...*************

Back to the present and Woody.

He's not dead yet.

The vet wants him to eat!
So please send your hungry thoughts his way...


Saturday, July 02, 2005

The Kitty that almost was...

For starters, I'd like to give a Woody update.

We went in to pick him up on Thursday, only to learn that his creatinine (I think that's right, Zelda knows all about these things as she was exposed to them when her first husband was in ICU) is still too high.

It's at 10, needs to be at 3...

We'll see on Tuesday.

Now for the other kitty news...

Zelda went all out to get the house ready for Zahara.
Kitty bed, kitty bowls, kitty food, kitty carrier.

But the shelter wouldn't accept her Nebraska Drivers License...
In Texas, if you own a car and move in from out of state, you must first register said car before the Department of Public Safety will issue you a Texas Drivers License.
They also won't let you pay with an out of state check...
So, open a local account, or get cash from your l..o..c..a..l.. b..a..n..k...
Find a friend who will loan you the cash to get the registration so that you may get the license to open the local bank get your registration...

Zahara had been in a cage for over a YEAR waiting for someone to take her home.
We were that someone.
Zelda got her car registered last week, with a loan from me.
She scheduled to get her license Wednesday, so we could pick her up on Thursday when we were to have taken Woody home.
I got off work early to meet her at the shelter so I could pay, she would start the paper work.
(I think I am begining to see a theme here...)

As fate would have it, a family had to put their kitty to sleep, due to cancer.
They saw Zahara earlier in the week as well.
They got there ten minutes before Zelda.

Such is life...

Time to go visit Woody Cat!!!