Saturday, April 30, 2005


That expensive new phone toy...
I was in the Cingular store today checking on a new phone and plan for Zelda.
And guess what.

The expensive new phone toy has
dropped in price...
To about $50.00 less than I paid with my refunds...


I think Zelda may get a not so expensive new phone for a welcome present...

Friday, April 29, 2005

Security Woes

In order to safe guard my stuff.
I "had" to reorder my home security service.
Which was causing me anxeity.
"You have,
only 45,
to drop the mail,
and your brief case,
and to get to the kep pad,
turn on the light,
open the pannel,
and punch in your correct code,
before all Hell breaks loose!!

Beep that beep!
In addition, the contract would be for 36 months,
and would cost over $1,000.00 in that time period.
So I have an alarm, but declined the monitoring.
I can set it, it will go off, if the bad guy breaks, or opens, or passes the right way, it will go off and alert the neighbors.
But that's if the bad guy does one of those things. Other wise it's useless, except for giving me nerves...
Now, a biometric system, that only requires a thumb sweep, or a facial reader that is on all the time would be worth the cash.
(My IT guy tells me they are coming soon to a computer and airport near you! Even with a disguse, the facial reader will know it's you.)

I just couldn't see paying that much for something that in the end, doen't add value to the property.

$1,000 worth of energy efficient, shatter resistant windows, would.
Had a late cup of soup with an old former co-worker of mine, of the female persuation.
Zelda was curious.
I asked if she minded if I had dinner with another woman.
Can you imagine!
She said "No, as long as I didn't have sex with them!"
Am I marring the wrong woman!?
Won't let a guy she's married have sex with others.
(My fault, I should have asked first. "Dear, I'm meeting a girl friend from church. If things go well, mind if I take her back to the house and bang her?")
This brought up the topic of swinging, and not by me.
I am not sure how bringing in outside sexual partners helps a marriage.
But then, I'm a traditionalist and just a tad conservative...
I would think that if that's how you felt, wouldn't it be better just to not get married in the first place???
And yes, part of me would LOVE to have someone who'd say, "Sure dear, you can sleep around if you'd like". But then, I'm glad I don't always get what I want. (And then you have to becareful you don't catch some horrible STD *GASP!!!* from someone like Zelda or me!!! Those Horrible people who have a sexually transmited dis-ease!!! Make sure you stay 10 feet away!!! You might get hugged or something awful!!!)
I think I'll get over that desire pretty quick. Regular sex has it's advantages.
Variety with dry spells.... or
Consistancy, with whom someone you love.
I'll take the latter please, in large portions.
Speaking of "as good as sex".
While in Omaha, I recommend you stop by the "Old Market" area and visit Up Stream Brewery. You have to try the desert there called "Alice in Wonderland". I have always had trouble with the idea of food being "as good as sex", but this desert comes in not far behind. (Nothing compares to sex with Zelda!!!)
It is a coffee flavored ice cream with a rum creme anglaise.
Has to be tried to believe!!
Zelda's friend ID stopped by to visit. They met in design school. Yes, he is gay. (All the straight ones go into Architecture!! Little did we know, all the hot babes are in Interiors!)
He and Zelda tried a bite and absolutely loved it!!!
Another by product of the security system is, it uses the phone line.
And thus, with DSL, needs a filter.
But this one is special. And so it the price.
And there is the reason I have not blogged lately.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Call to Arms!!

The Great State of Texas is in the process of passing *Constitutional* amendments to "ban", thus make *Illegal* (Illegal!!), the marriage in the state of Texas of two persons of the same SEX.

We'll let drunks do it.
We'll let teenagers do it.
We'll let 20 somethings do it.
We'll create TV shows about it for entertainment...

But if you Love someone,
want to spend the rest of your life with that someone,
and happen to be the Same Sex as that loved one,
Go to Hell.

WHAT a CRIME that IS!?
WHAT will THOSE POOR Right Wingers DUE?!
IF that LAW is NOT PASSED?!?

BAN GAY MARRIAGE AND WE'LL SEE AN IMEDIATE drop in the HETEROSEXUAL DIVORCE RATE. Which currently stands at 50% in our Great State.
Ok, enough Hysteria...

G*D reserves the right to judge and G*D alone.
For one of 'his' created to pass such judgement, when it doesn't not Directly involve them, he/she is Sinning against G*D, as they presume to BE G*D.
"Thall shalt have no other gods before me."

If you are going to use the Bible as grounds for this LAW, what happens to
SEPARATION of Church and State?

If you, the Citizens of TEXAS vote,"Yes" for this amendment when it comes up for a vote, it will be for DISCRIMINATION.

Ultimately, this amendment will not stand as Constitutional.

Ultimately it will fall.

But at who's pain?
At what cost?

J has never harmed you.
Neither has Red...
Nor S.
CC went abroad in harms way to defend us, and you tell her she can't legally marry the woman she loves, All because a Loving G*D (???) says so?!?
(She's doing it anyway this Weekend, in a state that is Protecting it's citizens from the evils of gay marriage. You Go Nebraska, protect those poor citizens from such evil!!.
(Congrats to you CC for serving your country, and for getting married ANYWAY!!))

Fess up.
It makes you uncomfortable, and because of this discomfort,
you'll piss on someone elses life.

Don't do it Texas.
Call your Senator and let them know this is WRONG.


Sunday, April 24, 2005

Suprise I'm Home!!

Or something like that.

As I was on my way to the airport in Omaha for my long journey home, my phone buzed.
"Mr. Bunny, this is the _______ Police department, and someone has attempted to break into your house. We chased them down the alley, but they got away. Do you have anyone who can watch your house for you as it is now unsecure."


I don't care how fancy a gaget, how cool the device, in this day and age, if it aint got juice, it might as well be a paper weight.

This described my new and overly expensive new phone.
I was a bad boy scout. I was not prepared.

Not imagining a reason WHY I'd need to bring the power supply to my new, two week stand by, 7 hours of talk time with me to my girl's, I was caught with my pants down.
Around my ankles.
With my shoe laces tied.
(How was I supposed to know that I'd get delayed in Denver on the way there and need to call everyone and their sister! See 'Suprise' for further explanation.)

I had to board my plane, with a dying phone, and no one aswered when it still had juice.
Where is everybody on Sunday!?

Fortunately for me, Zelda road to my rescue. (Thank you! Love)
Along with my neightbor and my sister.
Yeah neighbors!
Yeah Sister!

Seems three teen age black boys, and I use their ethnic back ground, not as a slur, but as a CALL to SOMEONE out there to DO something with YOUR children!!, decided they needed my digital camera more than I did.
(I have been robbed/assalted a number of times in my early twenties. All by young black men. At night. When the white guys do it, they do it so subtlely that I usually don't notice. There is absolutely NO excuse for any such behavior. None.)

Glass way half full.

As the glass broke, the neighbor behind me heard it and dialed 911.
The police showed up in time to chase them off before they even got in...


I have too much personal information in my office where they chose to enter.
(Pass port, computer pass words, account info, blank checks, software originals, Harley keys. (which wouldn't go anywhere with out a battery (hmm...), but the key fob opens the garage door. Double Gakk!!))

This is only the second time in twenty years that someone has broken in.
(We had thefts before in our home, but they were by my youngest, then troubled, brother.
We also, unbeknownst to us had drugs being sold out our house by same said, then troubled, brother. It's not just those 'other folks' that are the bad ones)

My sister and her family card boarded up the window, and called a family friend who does windows, literally, he makes them. So it will be patched up by noon Monday.

But how'd they know I wasn't home???
I seldom ever park the car out front...
I often won't answer the door on Sat. if I'm not expecting anyone...
In my haste to get out of town on Wed. I neglected to stop my mail...
The box was full.
I left the blinds open, as I always do, and hadn't put my bedroom on the timer.

Time to get a post box...
And a big dog for the back yard...

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Defense of Marriage Act

Nebraska, and Kansas, in their infinite wisdom, amoungst other states, have passed


The Holy Bible, as apposed to those *other* Bibles, has been used to justify the bill.

"thou shalt not lie with a man as you would a woman" to paraphase.

This is in the Torah, the first five books of the Bible.
Now this is a rule handed down by the priests.

There is another law, Spoken by G*D, that these same folks seem to forget.
"Honor the Sabbath to keep it Holy."
When was the last time stores were closed on the Sabbath?
I violation of G*D's law.

And there is another like it,
"Thou shalt not commit adultery".
G*D's command, not mine.


How long should we lock them up???

Meeting the friends

Met the friends Thursday at Zios Pizza in Omaha, Zelda's favorite place o Pizza. Would you walk 2 miles, up and down hill for pizza? Zelda and Magda do!

Very nice. All thirty something? professionals.
Interesting change of friends. Two Designers, and an Architect, and an MP and an ATT corporate man.
I like Omaha maybe better than Dallas.
I like the Money I earn in Dallas that I could not in Nebraska...
Zelda's friend S and her fiance and Magda, and eventually her boyfriend rounded out the evening.

Zelda and I were talking about I guess a steriotype?
Gay men usually have straight girlfriends. Usually hotties.
Lusting after the well kept men, who only want to talk. (And don't mind getting naked in front of said girl friends, after all, they are all women in the room. Red was amusing when I first met him. He had a best girl friend who was quite physically attractive. Red had no trouble letting girlfriend hem his pants, *picture girl on her knees in front of Red*, or running around the house almost neked, etc. But as soon as I would arrive, he'd have to be totally dressed before he'd come out to say "hello".)

S expressed interest in a "Sorry, I don't do boys" tee shirt.
The question Zelda and I had was... do gay women have the straight guy friends who pal around with them and chase women with them? Doesn't seem the "guy" thing to do.

Anyway, plenty of questions to keep me wondering...

Thursday, April 21, 2005


Tired today.

Hatched a plot Tuesday, an evil plot
an evil wicked plot.

See, I was in an Insurance Conference for the building industry and I'll have to blog about that one later. While I was half listening, have dozing during a very informative, sometimes amusing, and many times s-l-o-w mock trial about a very scary, almost tragic, mishap with an insect screen on a fresh air intake vent, (based on a true story which just so happened to involve the Texas A&M basket ball team) I got an idea...

No, it had nothing to do about screens or attornies, or any such thing...
It had to do with Zelda. (No, it was not about changing out her screens either.)

Monday we finally got our project set out for review by the client. Still a lot of work to do, as we worked right up to printing, and thus, did not have time to Red Line it... knowing that we would have a week to make the pick up corrections before our meeting next week in Cali.

I have put in so much over time, unpaid by the way, in the last couple of months that I was forgetting what it was like to get home before bed time. Each time one of Zelda's friends would ask how I'm doing, she'd have to respond, "He's working tonight".

Back to my plot...

Rather than sit passively by, waiting with my temptation stoked hormones raging like a teen ager on a first date, I decided to take, *ahem*, things in my own hands...

I put a call into Yolanda, one of Zelda's Kamakazi Grrls buddys.
She wasn't in.

So... I waited, cuz I'm good at that, and booked a flight to Omaha, via, the Bermuda Triangle of the Midwest, Denver, Co. for Wednsday.

Did I mention I hadn't cleared it with my office Yet?!?
That is a story in itself... From conversations we'd had earlier in the week, I assumed he'd say "Yes". Can you say, "Stressed?!"

Then I emailed S, one of Zelda's other buddys, and who has been gracious engough to leave posts and help me with Woody Kitty, my one eyed wonder cat.
Could she help me get a ride from the airport but not let Zelda know... ???

I then emailed Zelda letting her know our traditional Wed. night phone call would be late as I was having dinner with J and Red.
It would have all worked out perfect, had it not been for those darn kids!!!
Opps, wrong story line. It was in fact, different line, a line of thunder storms. A hail dropping, plane buffeting, flight delaying, lighting causing mid western spring time Thunder storm. And it happened right where everyone wanted to land, Denver International Airport.

We circled south eastern Colorado for about half an hour (which is about twice) before we could get clearance. Then we seemed to take the LONG way into Denver, zig zag, bounce, swoop.

I was confident I'd make my connection. I'd have half an hour to cross the terminal, use the toilet, and catch my plane. Confident, Uh, that was *BEFORE* the half hour delay.

But not to worry.
I had forgotten about the one hour time difference between Dallas and Denver. There is no time change between Omaha and Dallas (at least none measured in hours), so I was not thinking clearly.

Still, I had some anxioty. (Sorry, blog spot does not have Spell Check, if you haven't already noticed from previous posts, and I am on Zelda's machine, so, please bear with me).

I found my connecting gate and settled down to wait.
Now, I flew in on an Airbus 318. Not a giant plane, but I'd compare it to a 737 in size. Except for the time I flew into Bozeman, Montana, I have always deplaned from a large jet via the bridge. This connecting flight was at the puddle jumper gates. The turbo props and corporate jet sized flights.

They open the doors, you make a mad dash through the cold and wet and board your plane. Well, that's the theory.

My flight into Omaha was scheduled to land about 10:00. About the time I was supposed to call Z.

I put on my flimsly sweeter while sitting at the gate, due to the open doors people were dashing in and out of, and waited..."On time" read the arrival board.


About the time my next flight was to leave, the hail started. Maybe marble sized and 'great masher' shooter marble sized. Glad I didn't have a car parked anywhere. The tarmack was white with ice.
Back to reading my book....
"Passengers on flight ###, to Omaha, your plane has been delayed waiting for the storm to pass." Add 30 minutes.

A little latter, I notice our plane had landed.
Get those people off so we can get on!! (After all, I'm getting Laid tonight!!)
"Sorry, due to the lightning, there will be a slight delay. We can not let anyone out with out protection." Add ?? minutes.

About an hour later, these poor folks had been sitting on the ground, in a small plane (corporate jet sized), and we had been sitting in side.

Lighting abates.

Cue 2nd hail storm...



I called S a second time to let her know the situation...
She let me know that due to her girlfriend's (they are getting married very soon!) millitary training the next day, they'd have to have Magda and her beau pick me up. (Thankfully, Omaha is a small town and to cross it is not time consuming.) S wants to meet me before Z and I hitch up.

Those folks waited 90 minutes to get off that plane...

Little did we know...

Twenty minutes after that, the lighting started again.
Ten minutes later, it stopped and "We are now bording flight ### to Omaha, may we please have..." "Now boarding rows 13-25..."

Cue hail
Close the gate... and wait...
And Lighting!!! (none of which was even close... but...)

Some time later...


Whew! finally made it to the plane...

Little did we know...

Half way through bording, more lightning and hail...
Close the gate.
A couple of passengers played, "do I get off? and fly out tomorrow? or stay my ground," with the steward. It crossed my mind too.

It was now about 11pm my time...

"Welcome aboard ladys and gentlemen to flight ### to Omaha, In case of emergencys, we have four exit doors on this plain, two_______"
The federally required P.A. system went

Cue Lightning.

They finally replaced the P.A. system, maybe another 30 minutes.
Can't call Z to chat her up cuz she'd hear the plane banter. And she's no dummy...

We got into the air, after another 15 minutes to de-ice the plane....
And made it into a perfectly dry Omaha, warm enough for Magda to wear flip flops (quite a change from Jan. when it was a whopping 2 degrees F!!)

I watched the lightning jumping around the thunderheads over Lincoln in the darkness, Moon far over head shining down on the cloud cover below us.

How to suprise Zelda???
I had wanted to call her from outside her door while S, or Magda, or Yolanda knocked and just followed them in.

Instead I called from outside her door at 2:00am, and found her just gone to bed, not irritated at all for such a late call.

"I can't get in, could you come open the door?" I asked.
And then I knocked...

A perfect ending to a long day...

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Femininity and Tantra

I can't say that I know a lot about Tantra, just what I have read from the one book, and a short "how to" for Tantric Sex in womam's erotica...

The thought being that before men knew that We (males) caused babys, Women held ALL the cards.
Life springs forth from their bodies.

From what I gather from the history in the Tantra book, and the Jane Auel stories,
sex was free flowing. Sort of like eating together, hunting together, etc.
No big thing.

Couples would bond and pair off. But they were free to sleep elsewhere.

This, to me, sounds like a good thing.
A guy thing.

I have read in just about all the literature, that women bond and have a biological response to sex, most of the time. And thus they want to pair off and be supported as they raise the 'expensive' offspring that we are. Taking a decade or two to mature.

I could see that bonding as good for glueing a group together. But I'm not sure how that would get ironed out.
I suppose it is like the poligamist families I have heard about.
It's all in how one looks at it...

But poligamy sounds like a male thing.
Not a female thing.
Talked to J about temptation.
Before I didn't "participate".
Now that I am, and have decided to take myself 'off the market', I am seeing women, read that boobs and hair, etc. EVERY WHERE.
Why do we do this to ourselves?!?

"We all go through that" J reasures me.

Temptation is a lot of fun.
I don't want to be tempted.
I'd like it to be simple.
Straight forward.
Only eyes for you dear Zelda.

I feel bad that I am acting like such a dog.

I think it would not be so bad if you were here to take those feeling out on, nod nod, nudge nudge, wink wink, know what I mean.

1:00am do you know where your Bunny is??

Late night tonight.
J's boyfriend, Red's birthday is today. The party was a couple of hours ago.
My Dr. friend and I went to the soiree. They really wanted to have Zelda there.
Alas, certain things will have to wait...

Nice party.
Quite a mix.

Red is a hair stylist.
Makes more $$$ than a registered Architect in Dallas, Texas.

That's saying alot...

About both professions. (Not to knock hair stylists.)
Those with the cash to pay for their hair, are supporting their vanity.
Architecture and buildings just can't compete...

I might have mentioned this before. But here it is again...
Red has a client who pays overe $5k a year JUST to have her hair WASHED...

Those types of clients are NOT impacted by the economy...

I digress...

Dr friend and I were only two of about 5 'breeders' at the party.
The rest were, 'non breeders', though I'm not sure if that's the correct terminology, I'll have to ask...

One woman wore a black Tee shirt reading (across some very nice breast by the way),
"Sorry, I don't do boys."
She loves it. And I love that she loves it.
Though she admited her mom does not.

Such is life.

The gay men were 'pretty' and the gay women were tom boyish.
For those arguing for preservation of the sanctity of the marriage.
Man and Woman only.

IF you REALLY feel that marriage should be raised up,
and that the Bible describes what marriage IS.
I challenge you to put your money where you mouth is.

Make adultery a civil crime,
and make it punishable with

Other wise,
it's all a power struggle.
A political one.

And we know how faithful
politicians are...

how long should we lock them up????

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Le Weekend

Yes, in France, they actually call it, "Le Weekend".
Who says the French are snooty?!

Le Weekend has been hectic.

Back when only Zelda and I were in on the gig, things were 'simple'.

I'm flying in this weekend. YEAH!!!
We'll spend the time in the bedroom. Seeing the town, and we'll go out to eat tomorrow night to my favorite restaurant and you can meet my friend from work.

Since we have "told the world" everyone wants to take us to dinner, have us stop by for brunch, join us for drinks.
With a limited time frame... um, when can I see my fiance???

We had dinner with the rents Friday. Saturday was busy.
Move the new couches in. Meet my former boss and his wife. Squeeze in some sex in there somewhere. Head over to the Art fest.

Picked up some beautiful things this year.
A blown glass free form bowl in torquoise and peach by a craftsman out of Austin.
And a beautiful basket made of palm fibers by a man from Mi. who travels down to Florida each winter to (enjoy the weather) and harvest his materials.

The item we both were most impressed with were some hand made fabric body dolls. Made by a woman out of Mi., we have decided they would make a beautiful wedding present to each other.
We were impressed by all her work, but had decided on two Japanese style dolls in kimonos.
I wish she had a web site to share with you, but alas, she does not.

Zelda's flight home was snowed out in Denver so we have to get up extra early to get her to the airport.

Next time she comes down, she won't be leaving!

Bon Nuit tous

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Facinating Topic

Last night on the Charlie Rose show, he interviewed Thomas Friedman about his new book, "The world is flat, a brief history of the twenty-first century."

It is a picture of the world to come.
How "globalization" works and how it works for peace, equality, you, me, and my laptop computer.

The World is getting "flat".

In brief:
My Dell computer was manufactured all over the world. Not, as in the old days, in a single factory, by one company.
Many of the parts are produced in Asia, specifically, China.

"So what?" you may ask, "they have been making things for a long time".
But here's the twist...
Some parts are made in Taiwan, that 'rouge' Chinese country, and some are made in China, 'the main land'.

Michael Dell has "outsourced" the parts to make inexpensive machines. When I looked on the web to see how my order was coming along, I thought it was being put together somewhere in Alabama or Mississippi. That's where my calls are routed when I need tech support.
In reality, my computer was being shipped back and forth through out the south Pacific before it was loaded on a plane to Tennesse. (remember, 'there are no "i"s in Tennessee)

We complain when we call for help and get someone in India, whom we can bearly understand.
It was penny pinching consumer who drives this bus. There is a reason Wal Mart is the Biggest company on the planet. (And it isn't because of the great service...)
It's because we Americans, the richest people on the planet in the entire History of the World, are cheep.

The most polititians aren't brave enough to admit this in their speaches as to why Bubba's job was shipped out. Bubba's wife is shopping Wal Mart.]

China just passed a "law" allowing it to use military force if neccessary, to bring Taiwan back into the fold, if it declares independance.

China goes to war with Taiwan.
Both countries become very undesireable for companies such as Dell, were my computer order can't wait for a small war.
Mr. Dell would find new suppliers.
In another country.
And China would lose all that $$$.

The old guys in the government may want the war. (ie Presidents, Chairmen, and Prime Ministers)
But their children, who are running and working in the manufacturing plants, and there are alot of them, would pressure them to reconsider their folly...

And thus, outsourcing, for MANY reasons, is good for peace.

He also talks about how the world is becoming a level playing field, and if the United States wants to remain a player, WE need to promote smart kids. Educated kids. Creative kids.
Cus right now, the best educated engineers in the world are from India.
And with the internet and internet phone service, and just in time production, those world's smartest don't have to come to the U.S. of America to find work or the U.S. market.
He can sit at home, in his pajamas, selling her book, or writing his software code, in India...

Wake Up America!!

"New and Improved"

As you may have noticed,
I have a new "links" side bar.

Been wanting to add it for sometime,
but had not 'gone hunting' to find out how.

I will add and change them from time to time.
Just to keep things interesting...
Got the sexy phone!
The ordering via the computer was not without it's problems.

I needed to upgrade my service and sign up of two years to qualify for the phone upgrade.
The computer kicked out the phone order, even though I got a confirmation, because the service plan was not recognized. I needed to up grade my service to the new GSM.

Both Zelda and I agree the sound quality is VASTLY improved.
And the phone does just about everything I want, 'cept transfer my old phone book by itself.

What is it with us guys and TECHNOLOGY?
Stop by and visit Real Live Preacher and his brother, Ramblings of a Third Grade Mind.
I am impressed with both of them.
They deal with People in a Meaningful way in their lives. (Rather than just complaining, like a certain Bunny I resemble).

And just for fun, check out Foamy the Squirrel!!
("5 more minutes" is a must see!)

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Uh, What?

As Zelda can atest,
I am easily

that's really cool,

oh, yeah,


I am currently taking the Franklin/Covey organizational test.
Once upon a time I knew all these tricks for organization, the ones F/C teaches.
All of them except for keeping True North direction.

What is truely important.
All the cliches.

I test in the fourth quadrant.
I goof off too much and waste time on trivial things.

Reading "First Things First" by Covey and friends has helped me see other ideas to my trivial items.
Brain storming if you will.

I, ah, watch far too much TV.

My home,
social skills,
and I.Q
all suffer for it.

But just a few pages of the book or the test have made me aware of how I am wasting my life and talents away main lining sit coms and commercials and "must watch" "best new show" things.
Stuff created, ironically, by those who choose NOT to spend their time watching TV, but MAKING it.
Another thought on office politics.

First as much as I enjoy Bashing the bosses and especially the wife, whom from now on I will refer to as "Dee" for 'decorator', because she's all about picking colors and things aplied to the walls superficially, and nothing much deeper.

I don't like myself much when I participate in bad mouthing.
Ah, it feels wonderful at the moment. A bunch of 'little people who, for what ever reason, feel they can do nothing more about the situation but complain.
I don't like the office atmosphere. We complain to vent.
Conflict and strife between the front office and the back.

Unneccessary stroking of

If I didn't like the work and my coworkers, I'd be looking for greener, calmer political pastures.
We all, I think, know someone like Dee.

Dee knows nothing about computers.
But because she has so much extra time (and she's bagging the Boss), she baggered Boss Man into letting her be 'in charge' of the computers. She doesn't want to spend any money on new equipment. (I passed on another job offer where the bosses where very supportive, so much so that it gave me bad vibes. Maybe I was wrong? It'll all work out for the best in the end. I'm learning a lot of great stuff. Developing clients would not have been an option at the other office. But here, I'm learning from Senior Architect how to handle the politics. And he is a Master.)
She even requested that our two part timers change their school schedules so that they would be in the office on different days so she wouldn't have to order a new machine for the new guy starting tomorrow. (Senior Architect and Super Man tag teamed her and prevailed in changing her mind. This is the only office I've worked where the management will give the new machines to the latest hire, rather than by seniority...)
When there is a computer problem, it gets deligated. Senior Architect has been in charge of the machines for years now. So when we need a new one, we aproach Dee who immediately deligates it back to Senior Architect.

She wondered in this week to casually mention that she had accidently opened a junk mail and was worried if there was going to be a problem because of it.

She also wanted a list compiled of what our machines are and can do. She wanted us to go around and put together a list.
I threw it back at her telling her that we should have a record of the machines stats with the invoice and she should go check the files. She, after all, signs the checks for them, you'd think she'd want to know what she bought...
Instead she deligated it.

She wouldn't know what it all was anyway.
And she has no intention of learning.
That's the sad part.
It's all a power play to usurp Senior Architect.

My latest brain storming.
If I were Zen,
I'd let it go.
I'm not that big a man,

Every once in a while, Boss Man will come around and ask if there is anything he can do to help us.
Since he can't use Auto Cad. It's usually a moot point.
Next time he asks me,
I am going to let him know there is something he can do that will help the entire office.
It's something he can do, I have seen him do it.
It will boost moral.
It will save time.
It will truely help everyone.
He can help by doing his own dirty dishes.
Though he'd have to wait till after 5:00 when Dee leaves
so she wouldn't know he's doing it.
(She'd make him stop).

We'll see.

Now, back to what ever it was I was doing before I got distracted with the computer.
I think I was heading off to bed...

Saturday, April 02, 2005

One Year

It was a year ago this month that I contracted the Herpes virus.
(Which means it's also a year ago that I first had sex.)

Thought the world was going to end.

She who gave me, turned out to be a total jerk. A selfish loser.

Since becoming lovers with co infected Zelda,
it simply

I wonder how that has figured in to our engagement...??
I am truely grateful that it has not been a topic of concern for either one of us.
The virus will find it's end in us. My line will not branch.

It certainly has made things much more pleasant and fun.

I was sure before that I would meet a "clean" person, and have to be overly precautious with my future wife, constantly running the risk of infecting her running through the back of my mind. Ie. no unprotected sex.

The Universe has proved that fear totally unfounded...
And Zelda is anything but selfish. She's an incredibly generous person.

Being college educated, and 'smart' enough to know better, I must admit that I have not been very responsible with condoms and such. It wasn't till our last visit that Zelda and I used anything consistantly 'safe' from pregnancy (she's on the patch and suffering for it).

I find that condoms slip off, and that's no fun.
"Honey! Did you find that condom anywhere?" .
"No sweat heart, you sure you still don't 'have' it? I'll check the bed."
"Time to see the Dr..."

Dr. S criticised a patient who wondered about a really nasty odor that turned out to be a lost condom. I should have piped up that 'at the moment' that lost condom is the last thing on anyone's mind...
Happens all the time, says Zelda's Dr.

Speaking of SEX!!!
Zelda will be here next weekend!!
We will be going to the Fort Worth Main Street Art Fest.
There is some pottery, art glass, and hand made baskets with Karlthebunny written ALL over them!!
Live music, hundreds of artists, Fort Worth.
(check out the link above)

Out on Bail

Kitty's anguish was too much for me and I have let him out.

He get's up much earlier than I.

When he cries out in loneliness in the A.M. I call out to him to encourage him to come sleep with me.

Hopefully this will work better than locking him up.

I like it when he snuggles up against me.

And unlike Zelda, he doesn't hog the covers!!


The accountant in our office had a medical condition not long ago that required her to take some serious meds. One of them was steroids.

The steroids damaged her liver.
She needs a transplant or ...

She has worked with the company for over a decade.

The boss's wife, requires us, the professionals of the office, to wash all the dishes for a month.
Even those who have been with the company for over ten years, and even those on meds for liver failure.

She doesn't discriminate...
I have decided to take one day a week to do the dishes, which usually consist of the coffee pot, the spoon, and the bosse's coffee mug. (Accountant is the only other person who drinks coffee daily.)
Yes, we are expected to do the bosse's dirty dishes, by his wife...
I want to do this as a gift to my fellow employees. We all hate dish duty. We all have important things to do. Like produce work, and go home to our families.
But it would take ALL of us saying, 'No', in a calm voice to break it.

By volunteering, I hope to shame the bosses as well.
"Why are you doing the dishes Ktb? It's senior architect's month to do them?"
"Senior architect has more important things to do besides wash your husband's dirty dishes."

And as do my own month, I will also address the issue with boss.
Have I said that boss and bosse's wife are clueless?
Survival of the fittest.
If it weren't for the bosse's family money, he would have gone out of business llloooonnnnggg ago.
next time you stop by the office, I'd pass on the offer for coffee.
You can assign someone to do your dishes, but you can't guarantee they will use soap...

Zelda is coming II


She's worked up and nervous about the interview and trip, it has gotten $$$ to travel from Omaha to Dallas, and everything will be okay.
I'm more nervous about the "getting married" part.
Being mentally ready for it.

Things come along in life and the Universe doesn't say, "Okay, you want more time, sure, we'll hold off and just give us a call when you are ready."

There has also been the conversation of banning Zelda from my site so I could freely express my thougths, though I'm not sure how one could do that with confidence.
A new site would be the solution.
Though then I'd have to split my thoughts between, "politically correct" and "what ever I'm thinking/feeling.
Washed the car.
Paid my auto taxes aka registration. Ran all over town to find a store with registration tags.
Finally found one just across the street...
In reading more of the Tantra book, it brings to mind the whole, 'are we designed for monogamy?'
One of the cerimonies involves couples, chosen by the guru, coming together in the highest of spiritual rituals of Tantra. In a random lotto, a women is paired with a man, and eventually become sexual. This random pairing symbolizes the chaotic events that happen when lovers first meet.
To insure that bonding doesn't happen between these one time encounters, which by all acounts are simply incredible, the same pairs are not invited again.
It is a spiritual experience, to bring the awareness of the cosmic connection of the creative force of the male and the female. And not... sex.
We all ARE that god or goddess. And the union between the two makes us ALL the Creative Force. We are gods.

The book gives examples of western views of the time when the British were just encountering the Indians of Asia.
This brings into stark contrast the Western Paint Brush we through which we see the world.
To the participants, it was as 'casual' as 'going to church' albeit, not as we would see it.
The western eyes could not get past, 'they had intercourse! they had intercourse with someone NOT their spouse/partner'.

One less 'educated' author spoke of his experiences with the women of the world in his journeys with the British army.
He spoke glowingly of the high priced women of India.
They wore beautiful clothes.
Could sing.
Knew the "arts of Love". And were beautiful of face and body.
So... if we are not meant for 'monogamy', then why is it that we bond and stay with one person all our lives?
Friday night, I called Zelda on my way home.
She was on her way out for coffee with friends.
I asked her if she had a cold, she shared with me that she had a hard week. And cried over the phone.
It is this intimicy, this sharing of ourselves, that is the reason that we bond.
This is why we are monogamous.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Automatic Response

Karlthebunny is currently out of the mental office.
He has worked too much this week and will be again out of pocket for a couple of days.
