Friday, May 27, 2005

And the beat goes on

This has quite possibly been one of the roughest weeks Zelda has had in a long time.

She doesn't feel the house is hers.
It is.

She doesn't have much cash on hand as she will have to wait for her first paycheck to arrive, in three weeks.
My bank account is your bank account.

Her stuff is to arrive next Tuesday by truck, on a work day and she's worried as to where we'll put it.
I plan to move the earth this weekend to make that space and more.

I think from her blog that she is worried about "my house" being filled with "her things". Yes the bathroom is more colorful, but I don't mind.
Because I love her.

Her work day starts earlier than mine. In no small part because my office doesn't open till 9:00.
I have been getting up when she leaves, which before, I would have endevered to sleep in.
I use this time she has given me in my day to read some. To make our bed, which I NEVER did before, so that she will have one place of tranquility to return too.
Because I love her.

I do the dishes every day now, again something I NEVER did, so that she will always have a clean glass, or plate, or spoon or what ever she needs.
Because I love her.

I am doing our laundry. Something I really don't enjoy. Because I know she also dislikes it. To ease her day. She is low on clothes, because her world is boxed up in Omaha till Tuesday.
Because I love her.

I asked last night how to load her coffee maker. Its snazzy, grinds and everything and at just the perfect temperature. I rarely drink coffee in the morning. I know she needs it to start her day.
I do this, because I love her.

I have called this week after work to let her know about when I'll be home. Something I don't have to do.
But I do, because I love her.

She got bad directions to a client's yesterday via the internet.
She takes her job very seriously.

She has the commute from Hell. No matter which route she takes, no matter when she leaves, it "sucks". And I sympathize with her. She really likes the job so far, and the people with whom she works. They are paying her what she's worth. But she has to spend two hours a day in stop and go traffic...

We have started those deep conversations that couples have when they see each other everyday. The, "Where are we going with this?" talks.

We are begining to touch on some personal demons. Nothing that can't be over come.

I have confused her with my wishy washy feelings. Feelings change from moment to moment depending on what I've had to eat that day, how much sleep did I get.

I believe Love is an action, not a feeling. And that actions create those feelings.

And so I endever to make sure I do those loving things, which I hope speak louder than words.

I wish that I could make all this better for you, dear Zelda.
I can only do what a man can do.

And that is because I love you.

The bed is made, time to start the laundy, the coffee, and what ever else I can do to make life easier for you.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


I am stressed.
That would be 'period'.

Zelda has changed her world based on my word to her.
"And the Lord spoke, and the world came into being..." (paraphrased, and No, I am not comparing myself to G*d, but recognizing that we are given that power to create our own worlds).
Z and I are going to Jazz Under the Stars at the Dallas Museum of Art tomorrow, provided it is not rained out.

It's our Date Night for this week.
We will be defining what our relationship will be in conversations we will have starting this week as well.

It troubles me that my emotions are so flip/flop. Z and my mother for that matter, would attribute it to being Libra. I'm not so sure that's the reason.

I go from, "Yes! Z is the one for me! Let's do it!".
"What have I done?
We barely know each other.
I am breaking all the self made rules I created for myself to make sure I was doing the 'right' thing.

ie. don't have sex till marriage,
get to know the person through dating and time before making a comittment,
don't stop dating others until you are ready to make a commitment so that you can be balanced,
Wait two years before marriage,
don't live together."

I'm stuggling with balancing (Libra ??) these rules of thumb, with Living Life.
Where did I put that life instruction manual???

I KNOW I read something about "simple and easy" in there somewhere....

Sure enough I will find it and discover I miss (mess) read what I thought was
"Will be easy" in truth will actually be,
"will NEVER be easy".


Monday, May 23, 2005

Honey! I'm Home!

Well, she's here. Zelda is now in Bunny land.

Last night as I faxed out the confirmation for the wedding venue, I shared with her my anxiety.
She was good enough to recognize an important moment and drew me out.
Talk to me about it.

And I did.
Not all of it, but some.

I have anxiety about this.
And so does she.

I can't speak for her, so you'll need to visit her site to read her views.

A lot to swollow in such a short time.
Her new job. The commute from hell. All her clothes and belongings locked away in a moving truck, for who knows how many days, back in Omaha.

Drive was beautiful. Eastern Nebraska and Kansas has gentile hills and lots of farm land.
We left Sat. morning with 78 degree weather and 13 hours later, we got to the house about 9:00pm with the thermometer in the 90s.
Part of me is yelling,
"What the hell are you doing Bunny!!??"
"It was quiet, and peaceful, and you didn't have to answer to anyone.
You could come and go as you please.
Spend your money as you wanted.
Leave the laudry on the floor and the dirty dishes in the sink and NoBody would know the difference!
You could have a different woman over everynight of the week (that is in theory) and no one would care..."
Yolanda gave Zelda a picnic basket as a going away, perfect with the table!!, and one of the gifts was the latest "Cosmo". There was an article about a newly engaged man and his emotions and feelings about becoming engaged. I'm following closely to his script. "ARRRRRRGGHH!!!" But in the end, he knew he made the right decision. I do too. It's the getting to that peace of mind that is the key...
I thought all this was supposed to be easy and happy and go lucky.
What they don't tell you in those fairy tales...
And the Prince had a nervous break down and they lived on Zoloft happily.... every afternoon.
I have this easy. All my stuff is right here in my house...
Zelda said it would be okay if we decided to just live together, and not tie the, uh, knot.
That is very tempting...
But I don't want to jerk Zelda around.
I asked, she accepted.
Be a man.
Honey, ready for bed?

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

For those wanting to know the suprise...

Since Zelda is not able to access the internet, (And if you have, YOU have to stop Right NOW!!)

I'll go ahead a spill the beans!
She'll find out on Sunday, so all you Zelda fans have to keep it hush hush till then.

For years I have been interested in the "Table in a Bag" at Crate and Barrel. It breaks down and rolls up. In use it is about 30x30 and maybe 16 inches high. Great for picnics and Jazz Under the Stars. (See link above (click title), page 35)

The second gift is much like the first.

Zelda told me all about Espania's Spanish Tapas restaurant. She had her birthday party there.
I was hoping to stop by there this trip. We'll see.
Crate and Barrel has cook books. I saw one as I was picking up the table for, Guess What?

Well... We're back...inside the car....again....

Zelda is stressed.

Which means I'll be stressed.
Learning damage control...with her.

She is packed up and ready for the movers tomorrow.
I'll fly in later tomorrow.

Hopefully she won't swat me.
I usually attempt humor when in a tight spot with loved ones.
Worked well with my dying mother.

(Interesting. "Die" means to expire. "Dye" means to color. But "Dying" means coming near to an end. (Webster's New World Dictionary) I guess "Diing" or "Ding" would not be a dignidied thing to do.)

Hopefully it will not get on Zelda's nerves too much. And she will understand my intent is to defuse, not riducule.
We have choosen a venue for the wedding.
I want simple.
We want friends.

We had simple, but things changed.
We were flexible and Zelda put in some sluthing and found additional venues.

I am choking on the fees.
The hotel wants 2 grand for food and room. Plus 21% gratuity. Plus Tax.
For two hours...
Our simple gathering and meal has now multipled in price by almost 7 times.

I guess I didn't comunicate with Zelda very well.

I love my friends and family. But really, do we need to spend $100 per person because we want them to join us for our "eloption"? (It's French. See the "tion"?)

Sweetheart, I want to spend that $$$ on our new home.
On new furniture.
On paying off some of our debts.
On our future.

Not on two hours in a nice hotel.
You don't have access to the internet for the next couple of days, and so I will talk with you in person.

I appreciate very much the hard work you did in finding these events.
You are a wonderful event planner. And very gracious!
I love the little things you have done for me, the B&B, the cards, the wine.

If this is what you want, I'll do it...
Heard through the grapevine that our two Interiors girls are out of here.

Boob brush woman is cutting back on her busy schedule to get her life in order. (Divorce and four jobs. I don't know how one can have a quality relationship with one's focus scattered between so many obligations).

And the young intern is still too green. We spent more time, unfortunately, picking up her mistakes than she did in creating them. We'd keep her, because even with all the redlines, we need people!! She also is not focused on the work. At 23 she already has an infant, and is talking about starting another one by the fall. (Did I say her boyfriend/husband doesn't have a job! and they are living off of her mother?)
The bosses want to cut her loose. Always have...she doesn't fit the 'image' of an 'interior designer'.

So... an "interiors" focused office, will again only have one 'Interior Designer' in the back office... who knows almost nothing about the Archtecture he is dressing up, but only about 'picking colors'. And the Architects, who are not "qualified" to do "Interiors" will again be responsible for creating the interiors drawings...
Zelda has now told me multiple times that she "is no longer employed". That is, until Monday, when she starts her new job, at higher pay. I don't think she likes not having something to do, and a paycheck.

I was self employed for a year and a half. That is the definition of "unemployed". Constantly out finding new work.
I'm much more laid back about it. We'll see how well we "mix".

Love you Zelda Bunny!
Zelda, in our conversations over the last couple of months, has metioned, or offered up, the notion that I don't have to marry her.
I have meant to ask her about this.
Makes me nervous.
Does she want out?
What if I had said, "Okay"?
J and Red dated, broke up, "hated" each other went separate ways, dated (screwed) others, and finally came back together and are now living with each other, in a committed relationship.
I don't know if a long distance romance could handle that.
I know I would make my way back to Zelda even so...
I was dating others when we first met.
Some I was really interested in, others not so, some for a fling.
I always looked forward to speaking/seeing her.
It will all be Okay tomorrow night when I walk down that concourse and see my Bunny girl!

And we will drive each other nuts.
But inbetween, we'll love each other, and have lots of healing sex.


Monday, May 16, 2005

A Suprise

For Zelda.

I love to tease, but in good ways.
Anticipation. (makes for a great lover)

Before I left last week for Cali., I stoped by the store, a planned trip, to get something for Zelda.
I also will get pleasure from it.

I used the gift card from my sister's family, my christmas gift, to buy something for Zelda.
And I told her so.
But I *forgot* to tell her what it is...

Ah, but I didn't forget to tell her that there are two of them, and where she can find them in the house once she gets here.

I told her the store, no, not jewelry, I hope she'll like this even better. So maybe she's logged on to the web site today to see what she can see.


Check out the Crate&Barrel...
After much proding and reminding, I got Zelda's new Texas phone and phone number.
And as is appropirate, she has the same "new toy" as I do.
What's good for the gander....

Pinwheel Ready

Makin' the Bunny home Zelda ready!
And Kitty cat too.

Thursday I will board a plane for the last time to go visit Zelda World.

I'm gonna have a Zelda in my life!!!
EVERY DAY!! (This could be good, this could be bad!!)

I'll miss the food in Omaha.
We are going to Espania as soon as I get in from the airport!

Then back to the vacant Zelda pad for some comfort of a different kind.

I have tried to support Zelda as best I can, from across three state lines.
Would have prefered to have been there in person, but not enough to give up my eye teeth.
I did have to prep for her arrival.

I sent her a hug via Magda mail, though I heard later that it was not delivered on schedule...
I'll have to talk to Magda's man to set her straight. We guys got to stick together. What if Magda man had asked me to deliver and I didn't???
Got back Friday from California.
Three car chases.
Two shootings.
Three fatalities.
In two days in L.A.

Police shot and killed a suspected bad guy in a Pollo Loco parking lot after a long car chase and attempted shoot out. "Suicide by Police" is a term I have heard used. All caught live via helicopter mounted camera.

Folks in L.A. don't make fairy tails, they just reflect their daily reality and ship it out fresh to us via the movies...
And we eat-it-up.

This Morning

No Kidding.
This morning I got in behind a cola truck on the way to work.
Its license plate read,
honest to G*d truth,...

"w00 069".

Someone in the state prison has a sense of humor!

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Pen Pals

Back in the Dark Ages, known fondly as "my youth", we "met" people from other countries through a program in school known as "Pen Pals".

You chose a country you were interested in, (France or Italy) and paid a small fee.
The company matched you up with someone of similar age, hopefully from the country of your choice, and you received a light blue, very thin envelope marked "Par Avion" or "Air Mail", and you started your corespondence.

Sometimes you got art work on the letter.

Always interesting.
I was never good at keeping up with my letters.

With the internet today,
do those little blue envelopes
still flit about the globe?

P.S. Those dark ages were only 25 short years ago...

Something I learned along the way

For the guys,
a little Japanese technique from the book, "Shogun" (for the ladies.)

The man starts out slow count to five.

One... two...three...four...five....

then doubles the speed to a count of six.

And doubles it again to a count of seven .

And here's the good part...

Then back to the slow count of five.


Sort of a sexual hiku.

She'll love you for it.

Joy of Man's Desiring

Part of me, in asking Zelda to marry me, had thoughts of,
"Oh My Gosh!!! What did I do!!?? I just took myself off the market. Just-as-I-discovered-Sex! No more 'conquests' and new bodys to explore."

It bothered me for a while.

For feeling guilty that I was having those thoughts,
and for not being "happy" with what I do have, Zelda.

Much of it dealt with coming to terms with a change in my 'status' from 'single and looking' to 'happily coupled'.

It was when I realized that I haven't felt 'single', ie. 'alone', in a long time.

I have someone.
Someone special.
Whom I enjoy.
Laugh with.
And look forward to speaking with and seeing.

It's like a kid in a candy store,
or, cookies and milk!

I am filled with joy when I see her.

And she me.

Did you know, that when she was down for spring break, that after a long day at the office,I came home to find her just inside the garage door with the biggest smile waiting for me? (fully dressed I might add, though not for long).

She was happy to see me.

We'll see how long that lasts!!!
"Oh, it's you...the pool needs cleaning. I've called the pool boy."

I guess I have grown up some.

New bodies are simply that.
They look different,
move different,
respond different,
smell different,
sound different.


It's the connection that makes it special.
I have that with Zelda.
From the first moment.
And I think she with me.

I know, that if I had put off asking her and had "stayed single" for a while longer, had tried out those 'new bodies' that I would still end up
Right Where I Am Today.
As Zelda's fiance.
(And it does help that the sex is good!!*snicker*)

Love you Zelda Bunny

May you all find your own Zelda, where ever you are...

G*d bless and good night,

Saturday, May 07, 2005


I love Zelda.

I think I may have done a disservice to Zelda by my "When it Rains, It Pours" blog.

I was suprized by three old, read that, "ex", as in, "out of" aquaintances and I would cross paths on the same day, let alone the same evening.

That would be because, unlike my former employer, Ace, I don't keep track of old girlfriends.

Where as I attended a birthday party where Ace's first wife, his son, current (third) wife, his sister, current girlfriend, former girlfriend, and his mother where all in attendance.
It's not that Ace is neccessarily a 'nice' man, but he is a devoted and friendly man.
He lives life if you will. That and must be really great in the sack, but that is not for me to know...

Z joked with me that I seem to have all these past potential sex slaves crawling out of the wood work to have dinner with me.

I love Zelda for many reasons. One of which is she is probably the most well balanced person I know. She seems to know who she is, what she wants, and where she wants to go.

That doesn't mean that she doesn't have insecurities that might be tweaked.

I have promiced Z that I will cancel and decline all present and future dinners with old girlfriends.

And when she gets here, we can introduce her to said friends and she can mark me a taken!

"I have peed on his leg, so get back Bitch! The boy is mine!!"

Thursday, May 05, 2005

When It Rains, It Pours

On the way home tonight I stopped in for gas.
As I washed my windows, I heard a woman's voice say "Hi Bunny (no, she doesn't know me as Bunny)", insert flirtatious inflection.

It was a woman, Real Ester, I met and dated last year.
If you review my older blogs, she's the "older woman".
We went out a number of times in a romantic way.

She's old school. The man gets all the doors, all the bills.
For you women out there, that's sexy.
(I'm learning Zelda to wait for me to get the doors.)

Although we were reading the same story... we were never on the same page.
When I shared with her that it would be better for us to be friends, she brought up the suggestion
When I was angling for it, she was "hard to get". (Ah!!!, "Old School"!! O well *tee hee*)

We didn't.

She has a fear of STDs. Maybe needlessly. But it's her life, her health..
We talked about them, but I never got to the point of telling her.

We lost touch with each after the holidays.
She left the state to take care of her daughter back north.
She's doing well.

Her daughter is now living with her here in Dallas.

We chatted for a while, caught up with each other.
We are going out for coffee.
(Zelda, is it okay? And if things go well?! *Tee Hee!!*)
As I took out my phone to take a photo of her for my phone book,
a woman I had gone out with a couple of times, called. (No, I didn't answer as I was talking to Real Ester, but the message was about getting together for dinner.)
And then I stopped by the grocery store to pick up some Cheetos, for Zelda, (I dont' touch them, they will turn your pee, YELLOW! Don't believe me!? TRY IT!!) and bread.

I met a young woman I went out with two years ago. She is a real person, with all the weakness that go with real people. She is afraid of going anywhere besides home, work, and family.
She has a crush on me. (See never gets out above.)
She had a bad marriage, a wife beater, and has two beautiful children, her son is autistic.
She is rough around the edges.

And I have recognized a trend. She wanted to go home with me, if you know what I mean...

I was hesitant to tell her I have a girl in my life.
I told her and watched as she deflated, which I knew she would.
She limits herself and because of this Self Limitation, she doens't see the bounty of things the Universe offers her every day.
I was the "best offer she had", at least as she can see it.

I encouraged her to start getting out and walking her neighborhood.
"It's too dangerous".
She'll live a desparate life...
sadly of her own making...

"And G*d said, 'Let us make Man in our own image..."
Meaning we, like the Devine, have the ability to CREATE our world...

Such a powerful gift,
to such a deserving person,
left on the shelf

I certainly hope...

I contacted RLP yesterday, and he responded this morning.

He would be happy to marry us.

I hope he still feels that way after reading some of our posts.

Gay marriage.
Sex outside of marriage.
Sex before marriage.

Mix in a Southern Baptist Minister, and his reputation to up hold, (though he seems like the kind of Pastor I'd want to bring my Real Life Experiences too.) and he may run for the hills!!

I'd certainly love to meet him and have him marry us.

We'll see...

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Why do things have to be so complicated???

There is a snafu with the wedding locale.
Which I guess is to be expected.

Zelda suspects family politics.
Not her immediate family, but the extended.

Family Politics.

Loaded words.
Tread lightly lest you get bitten.

Future father in law is involved in the get together.
Which Zelda told me, but didn't register.
I didn't think he was That involved.
As in, "Asked to help out, with the advertising". "With the web site". But not the set up/clean up and such...'has to be there'.

I guess we may need to move the date...

Must have been much easier in the olden days when you stopped raking or hoeing, or planting or hunting, and walked down the lane to the only church in town, or the familie's house and had a dance and ate....

Sweat heart, it will work out.
"Picture yourself at Denver International Airport, in a hail storm..."

Monday, May 02, 2005


Zelda and I have a ring and a date!!
(Mine still needs to be picked up, her's in on order and paid for).

When I asked if this was the ring she wanted, it's silver, with my birth stone as the main setting, with alternating stones, in both her and my birth stones along the sides, and she said, "Yes".
I told her "let's buy it".

On our first date, she would say, "I'm blushing".
Well.... when I told her I'd buy it, there was no need to tell me.

She turned bright pink! (now if I could get her to do that when making love...I love looking down into her eyes...she's shorter... and *underneath*)
What kind of cerimony...?
Small cerimony for best closest family/friends.
Large shindig for the entire world?

Let's keep the cost down.
Let's make this special, (my thoughts are: Let's have the big party in a couple of years to celibrate that we are still together, and when we are established. And invite everyone!) keep it small.
And invite those whom we consider family (whether they are related or not.)


There is a Pinwheel family get together this summer, why don't we have it there?
It stays simple, we can "invite" her entire family, so no one feels left out, even if they wouldn't otherwise *be welcome*...

The event is close to one of my most favorite romantic get-a-ways, San Antonio.

Maybe if my favorite Pastor can't make it, we could get RLP!?

It's going to be sort of a hit and run wedding.
No one at the event, save the host and immediate family will know.

Our guests will arrive shortly before the cerimony.

We will have cake, and depart with our party for dinner on the River Walk, and....
the Honey Moon Suite...

my sweet...

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Uh... Yeah...

Zelda and I talked about the comment she made on "Security Woes".
It had me, veclempt.

But she has a good point.

It's not about "swinging", but being open to each other and not holding things in.

About communication.

Not about actually doing things with others, but being confident that we can come to each other and say, "Hey dear, I'm feeling ____ and wanted to talk to you, in safety, about that."

That is reasuring to me, as I have set ideas of what marrage is supposed to be, and fears about holding things in and openning up. I have lived with myself for so long, that it's going to take some time to grow comfortable with trusting another. Zelda wants to define what our marrage is to us, not what society tells us.

Um... I have always followed the the societal directions I've been given...
I guess if I'd want a "traditional woman", I'd stick to the church singles program. (Not that there aren't some wild ones there!!)

We are planning on the long haul.

We may one day build a pool, and hire a pool boy, whom she may find sexy, and wants to be able to talk to me about it...
I told her that I'll make sure we hire my current yard man, Rocky.

(No offence Rocky, but that should keep her from temptation for a looonnnnggg time.)
That conversation was also quite enlightening for me in showing me that I did not Hear what she actually said, and instead, inserted my world view into her mouth. Where else am I doing that??? (I'm sure she'd be happy to tell me. That is, if I'd shut up and not interupt her as I so often do. I'm training her to interupt me! She needs more practice!)
That is something awareness will help.


Went to a seminar a couple of Tuesdays ago.
The same Tuesday where I hatched my evil plot to suprise Zelda.

It was sponsored by our company insurance company, focusing on the building industry, and architecture in particular.

Three speakers were of special interest.

One spoke on the need to develop and learn the new modeling software.

The second spoke about the movement of jobs to elsewhere and the need for Architects to expand their role in the life a building.

And the last talked about the liabilities and claims filed.

All spoke about $$$.

Architecture is shrinking as a profession in these United States of America.
Consumers no longer "need" or understand what the Architect provides.
(We are, as a whole, self aborbed wind bags, not in touch with 'reality'.
Uh... that means we don't comunicate too good with those outside the industry. Try looking at any Architectural industry mags and you'll see. Architects are full of it and need to change.)

Contractors increasingly provide "architectural services" "in-house" selling their clients on the "savings".

This is a fact of life. In-house "architects" are cheeper.

What the buyer is not told is, the "in-house" works FOR the contractor, and thus, there is a conflict of interest.

No one is left to protect the buyer.
No one.
Not the city,
nor the state,
nor the government.

And you are stuck with the largest $$$,$$$.$$ investment of your life.

In the traditional Architect-Owner agreement, design-bid, the Owner hires the Architect.
The design and documents are completed. Problems are resolved when it is still on paper, and not in the field.
And only after the building is defined, is the contractor selected by COMPETITIVE BIDDING.

In design-build, the contractor is selected at the same time as the Architect.
The contractor can apply presure to change the (architect's) design, thus reducing (contractor) fees, (cheeper construction, less expensive systems). It is then the architect's job to protect the Owner and make sure the Owner gets a credit instead of that $$$ going into the contractor's pocket.

When the Architect is in-house ,working for the contractor, the Architect's client is the contractor.

Guess who gets every saved penny cut out of the design...
Guess who's benifit it is to cut every corner?
Guess who's benifit the contract is written?
There are fewer and fewer students graduating with degrees, and fewer still getting licensed.
I think a lot of that has to do with the flexibility of the new computerized testing. Without a deadline to finish, life takes over, dead lines lead, and studying gets dropped to the bottom of the "to do" list.
"The world is Flat" by Tom Friedman speaks about the global changes happening.

Be aware...
Although the security of a Real Estate agent's job is based in the principal that land is finite and location specific, *the person selling the property has to be where the lot is physically*, the paper work, the financing, and most all the parts of the job that are not locally required, can now happen ANYWHERE on the planet.

This is good for the consumer. The foreign workers. Both governments. And the company that provides the service.
(that and it's good for , believe or not, World Peace)
Global capitalism.

Those same folks in India who are "taking" "our" jobs, are the same people who are becoming THE best EDUCATED IN-THE-WORLD.
This being said, the ideas, the cutting edge, the concepts, are still coming out of America.
And will for a long while.

But... we have to 87u (kitty added that last, he wants to snuggle), we have to keep educating ourselves. Stop belly aching, and prepare for the possible 'sunset' on the U.S empire.

From now on, it's the individuals who will stand out and make a name for themselves...
Architects in America will have to learn the European methods of Cad Modeling. The software takes care of the lion's share of the construction documents (the grunt work). The floor plans, the building sections, wall details, and such will be created by the computer.
The Architect will be responsible for the design, and the software will "automatically" make the changes to the door schedules. (this is already the norm in Europe)

It's similar to the old guys who didn't want to give up the drafting board for the computer aided drafting (cad). (they are still around)

The young folks coming out of college will have the computer advantage.

I wonder how this will affect the creative process.
Yes, the software can create the beautiful perspective, but who's to say how the sofit detail will be designed? And will the new kids have any idea how to create a working detail if the computer is doing most of the work???

Lot's of questions.
Few answers.
In the life of a building, it's first thought of, "guys, we need a new building", to "let's go talk to the bank for a loan", then "who do we want to design this?", and "who will build it?" and finally, "we need to manage this new building for its life".

The design time, and thus the role of the Architect, is about 1.5% of the entire life cycle of the building. And it's about the same $$$.
As the speaker said,
"Architects are not the Tail on the Dog,
but The Flea on the Tail of the Dog."
Contruction documents can be outsourced, but not the Client-Architect relationship.

People matter most...

And then we wonder why we don't seem to be more important...
Rather than be an Architectural stand alone firm, or a firm inside of a construction company, (ok kitty needs some of my time.... back in 30...)
we need to provide more than just design services.
An architectural firm that offers financing services.
Customer service one on one interaction.
Creative solutions for the entire project.

That and keep on top of technologies.
(How does India do it? They buy the best technology on the market, and learn how to use it)
I'm buying the latest modeling software, at $$$$.
It's my future.

What are you learning???

I am

the only official blog on with an interest in his (or her) profile in...
Funny thing relationships.
You become interested in someone for their difference and strangeness, (as in 'not familar').
As you come to know them, they many times show only a particular face to you.
I was facinated and very attracted to a blog conversation Z had recently with another blogger she has ?known? for a while and was answering his questions.
Made her very mysterious again... Who is this person??? Hmmm... She's not just the !happy! to see you, you called!
I'm sure it's mainly my perseption of her, and not who she actually is...
I really don't know her all that well.
This is going to be SOME ride...
This I know for sure....
She is very generous of heart.
Probably the best balanced, most together self aware person I've met.
She doesn't have any issues I am aware of. (Those she does have, she's working on as we write.)
I on the other hand...
Lot's of hang ups...

Have I told you today that I love you Zelda?