Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The Vatican

The Vatican has published long-awaited guidelines which reaffirm that active homosexuals and "supporters of gay culture" may not become priests.

But it treats homosexuality as a "tendency", not an orientation, and says those who have overcome it can begin training to take holy orders.
All Catholic priests take a vow of celibacy, regardless of orientation.
No link has been established between homosexuality and the abuse of children.

'Duty to dissuade'

The Vatican document describes homosexual acts as "grave sins" that cannot be justified under any circumstances.

(BBC News World Addition, Nov. 27,2005)

Again, I ask, WWJD?

Well…first He wouldn’t be Catholic…

Second, nowhere does Jesus say SEX is wrong or forbidden…

This is all a way to control the masses,
and more importantly I think,
out law Mother Earth religions where sex was/is a positive experience.

But I guess it’s their club, and so they can make the rules….

Seriously though,


But with a child,


we’ll look the other way,

so long as no one makes a fuss.

After all, it is "OUR" club…

I guess it could be worse...

"The US has condemned the arrests of 26 gay men during a raid on a party at a hotel in the United Arab Emirates earlier this month.

Washington also warned the UAE that any attempt to administer hormone or psychological treatment would break international law.
(my emphasis)

Homosexuality is illegal in the UAE. (my emphasis)

Police arrested 22 UAE men, one Indian, and three Arabs from neighbouring states at a hotel in Ghantut in the emirate of Abu Dhabi, the Interior Ministry said on Saturday.

The authorities said 12 of the men had been dressed in women's clothes and make-up in preparation for a gay wedding.

(BBC News World Addition, Nov. 27,2005)

All for Be-ing gay?!

Good Grief...

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Going back to work

Last night both Zelda and I groaned when we reflected on Monday morning.

I am at a loss as to what to do.

We have bills to pay, so we work.

I am conflicted between staying long enough to help with this crunch, and to see the California job completed and putting out my resume and giving my two week's "good-bye".

Technically, I could quit tomorrow and leave at the end of the day, but I would want to lie around the house for a week or so, and Zelda would get jealous...


Although Z and I spend most of our free time together, we don't seem to ever make the time to sit down and talk about the important things on our mind.

For example, we keep saying we need to schedule our New Year's Spa package, but three months later, it still hasn't happened.

Same with house cleaning.

Some where in there, we aren't communicating...
Or at least connecting?

I think it would get better if we ate at a table together, rather than in front of the tv.
Friday night coffee's were good, but life has pushed those aside.

I don't think I have the mental energy at the end of the day to focus on such things.

Currently I am balancing the check book.
We have the $$$, but Zelda is used to having the exact number, and I am used to having a general idea, and having a buffer in my savings account.

Today my priority is to get Nov. up to date and on her machine, so we can both keep a daily track on what we have to spend for the holidays.

This should calm some nerves for us both.

I am tired of working for someone whom I know will not be greatful for what I contribute to his company...

Zelda is tired of the tread mill...

Change is difficult.

But we both do "difficult" every day.

Zelda guest room a success!!

Zelda pulled it all off, cooking, having to remake her pie crust Wednesday.
Cleaning the bathrooms, decorating, and making up the guest room.

I didn't think it could be done, but she did it!

Her parents spent the night Friday and went on home Saturday evening.

My aggies fought a valiant fight, showed some possibilities for next year's quarterback.
And gave the tea-sips a run for their money.

Only thing that could have made it better is if we'd won...

Friday was also my nephew's birthday.
We went to the Dallas World Aquarium for the day.

He is now 20 years old and heading off to West Texas A&M in Canyon, Texas.

He lived with us as a todler when my sister moved home from an abusive husband.
Let's say that at 18, I was not excited to have a crying baby in the house. (but as it was NOT my house, I didn't have much say in the matter)

It's like the trip I took with my mother and grandmother when I was about 23.
We took a road trip into Arkansas.
Two 60 plus old ladies and a 20 something.
Grandma grew tired and irritable easily.
Mom reverted back to a teenager at times. (which was very interesting to see)
And both made sure they got their AARP discounts EVERYwhere we visited.
I did all the driving. Was frustrated a lot.
One of the most unpleasant trips I can remember.

But looking back on it,
as with having my sister and her two children live with us,
I wouldn't give it up for a million dollars!

Something in the Air

Literally, I think something is in the air.

I am tired today after a full night's sleep. The wind this morning is strong from the south.

My guess is allergens from south Texas.

That and I might have a cold.
Which would explain my feel lousy, grumpiness on Wednesday.

There wasn't anything I tried that would shake it.

Had a nap yesterday while Zelda and the rents went shopping.
More orange juice...
More rest...
and some hugs and I think I can kick this bug right out of the house.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

This is NOT FUN

This is NOT a fun Holiday…

Zelda thinks I’m even keeled.

Well not today.

I am pissed with my wife at the moment.

She slammed the bedroom door this morning as she got up. There was absolutely no reason for it.

Did I mention it was My Day Off???

*She doesn’t slam doors, cabinets, etc. unless she’s mad at me.*

It started last night when she ‘ambushed’ me as I was getting ready for bed.

She had some laundry in the drier she needed waited on and hung up, and since I didn’t have to get up at 5:30 tomorrow…

And also, she wanted me to clean both bathrooms today.
Which isn’t a problem, but I’m not prepared to scrub the tub, as I have already scheduled a full day’s chores I have had in the planning for weeks. (This was a Rescheduled Day Off as I had to work through the last one…)

This last minute “Oh by the way, I need this ASAP”, is the SAME Bull Shit that Senior Architect pulls at the office.

The problem is she has bitten off more than she can chew and wants me to help digest.

She wants to help make Thanks Giving lunch tonight (Wed.)
We went shopping last night.
Wants to spend most of the day with her family Thursday.
This is news to me.
My nephew’s birthday is Friday, so we are spending some time with my sister’s family.

And she has asked her parents to spend the night Friday.

I’m missing my Aggie game for a number of reasons. But this doesn’t mean I did not want to watch some of it Friday. This doesn’t look like it will be possible…

Anyway, she’s paniced because the guest room is not even close to ready.
It’s her room. She’s had it for four months.

She will be pissed at me should I give in to my fatigue and go to bed, as it IS a Holiday…

The Thanks Giving I was looking forward to was spending a couple of hours with my former boss and “adopted” family for lunch, for which we help out, but don’t bring anything. (She won’t let anyone cook. It’s her gift to her friends and she’s done it for the last 10 years.)

Zelda wanted to spend it with her folks, and it has turned into a royal pain…

It’s a lose-lose situation.

She’ll be pissed when she reads this.

Like today, with all my chores I had and needed to complete, I had to
which ones could be done,
which ones to post pone, and
which aren’t going to happen.

We can visit her parents all day Thursday
We can clean house so they can visit Friday and Saturday
We can have them Spend some time Saturday as originally planned.
We can stay up late to clean up, which I am against,
as it is,
after all,



A big feast is nice, but not necessary.

Thanks Giving is usually my favorite Holiday…

Happy Fucking Thanks Giving Y’all…

Post Script: Thanks Giving Day 2005

It's morning, I made some yummy yummy Wafflas this morning for Zelda and me.

I thought it wise to have a trial run since I am in charge of Breakfast Saturday for the rents. Zelda was impressed!

We were both in a grumpy mood yesterday. And that is not the other's fault.
She is not an ogre, and I am not a troll.

We are, in fact, human. And from time to time, we have bad days.
Yesterday we had one together.

Lest I gave the impression that Zelda is the bad guy, she's not.

I have my flaws.

Communicating when I'm tired or grummpy is not a strong point of mine.

We say things when we are tired or stressed that we don't necessarily mean.
The thing to remember is not to take any of it personally. And when Zelda vented her frustrations last night after reading this post, I kept quiet and let her have her say. Just as I have the right to express my self, in a respectful way, so does she.

This is my blog. Zelda respects that, and I love and admire her for it.

We love each other and I am here to publically apologize for hurting my dearest Zelda.


(And am looking forward to the make up sex!!)

Friday, November 18, 2005

New Eyes!!

Finally scheduled an eye exam this week.

Been wanting to do this for months, but as you can *see* from the previous post, I never made the time.

Zelda was there to *support* me as I sat in the Chair.
(Unlike poor Zelda's latest visit, this one didn't have strups. *I am SO glad I am not a woman! Love you babe!*)

I like the Dr.

He was to the point knowledgeable, and unlike my visit to the Ear Nose and Throat Dr. (for snoring), he paid attention to me and wasn't selling anything.

Afterwards, as I wandered the store waiting for my eyes to undialate (see SO glad I'm NOT a woman above), Zelda and the salesman had sellected some glasses to try.

This part of the eye exam has always been difficult for me. As I am near sighted, I can never get a good idea of what the new frames will look like on me.

And may I say that Zelda has excellent taste.

She sellected some very Hip and Cool frames for me as one could tell by the price tag.
She was also helpful when it came to justifing the $$$ price.

Have I said I love Zelda?

Now we need to find some nice things for her!

Not Enough Time in the Day

Scientists tell us that the standard Earth day is getting longer.
Why only a few (900) million years ago, we completed a full rotation in only 18 hours.

Today, it takes around 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 or so seconds.
Although I have done this before, it has been a while, so I decided to refresh my memory and break down my day into its "duty" alotments. (And I have found that there is "alot" to be desired...)

Assuming those extra 3 minutes...

24 hours in a day.

Minus the recomended, but seldom achieved, 8 hours and 30 minutes of sleep leaves =

15 hours and 30 minutes.

Now subtract the 8 hours, plus 30 minutes lunch, we give to the Man =

Leaves 7 hours.

But we forgot to take out the commute time it takes to get to work for the Man,
for which we are NOT compensated,
being optimistic (for Dallas traffic)
45 minutes in the morning and
45 minutes for the evening commute leaves =

5 hours and 30 minutes...

Now take out the time it takes in the morning to get ready to work for the Man and that leaves

4 hours and 45 minutes in a day to:

Decompress (usually involving the TV.)

Eat dinner.

Shop for groceries.

Do house hold Chores.


Spend time with family.


If you're single, date.

*No wonder we only have sex on Sundays...*

Leaving us maybe an hour a day to read or study for tomorrow's day with the Man...

And he wants us to put in OVER TIME?!

I sure could use those extra 3 minutes and 56 seconds...

Monday, November 14, 2005

Possible Solution

to Zelda's blues.

First, scheduling some "visit the folks" time.

Second, baking cookies with my sister this Sunday.

And lastly,

and what worked well this weekend,

A jolly good Rodgering!!

Love you sweetheart!!

Opera Season 2005

I must say that last night’s opera was one of the best I’ve attended.

(Part of that MAY have something to do with the notion that Zelda was my date.
But don’t tell her that.
She’ll get a big head.
Those small town Kansonians…)

I woke this morning with the music still floating through my mind.

Cavalleria Rusticana was beautiful.

Pagliacci was simple and to the point.

Infidelity and vengeance was the theme for the evening.
Such intense emotions.

Writers get a lot of mileage out of cheating spouses, from the ancient Greeks to today’s CSI. You might say it’s important for the welfare of the economy.

(Whoop!! Go Aggies! I don’t have wireless, but I do have a laptop! Zelda is having her hair done at the moment so, that’s six scores = six kisses I owe you dear! Now back to the topic at hand…)

Just think where all those lawyers would be with out it…

Living on food stamps.

Filling the lines at Goodwill.

Along side those afore mentioned writers.

Is it the embarrassment of others finding out?
Is it (as I believe) the sense betrayal?
The damage to the relationship by the divided attention can’t help.

(Snoopy has snuggled up to me and demanded attention.
Go Aggies!
He’s done. Bye Snoops!)

It must be the sense of possession of one by the other.
And the inevitable insecurity that occurs.

I always enjoy the sets.
While not usually as elaborate as ones found in musicals, which travel from city to city, they are integral to the story.

The use of color and great lighting made last night pop!

It started me thinking about how the tricks of stage set design could be used in the built environment.

And flexibility.

Oh, and of course,
Great Music!

The first set rolled off and on the stage in tracks recessed into the tilted stage.
It started stage left. And as the scene moved from “interior” space to the public plaza “in front” of the bar, they simply pushed and pulled to and from stage center as the scene ran.

And in the back ground,
black curtains along with a black “sky” drape came together and opened up, like the oculus of a camera.

Add in some intense color against that blackness, and Wow!!!

Zelda had some problems with the story line of the first story.
A long day, feeling a little underdressed,
(which doesn’t matter to me as I always find her beautiful, but don’t let her know, see “big head” above),
a neck massage from her husband,
and she didn’t focus completely on the stage the whole time.

Pagliacci’s set was more dependant on color and lighting.

It also got applause when the curtain went up on the circus tent scene!

*Bright yellow ropes,
implying a tent,
intense Red “entry” curtains in the back ground,
center stage,
all set against that Black background!!*

Then picture a single line of “Christmas lights along each rope and fold of the entry curtain.)

(Sigh… after a tough fight…time ran out on my Aggies…)

Z was tickled by the first set of the second Opera, a 1950’s, white and pink travel trailer.
I’m sure it was built of plywood, but it did its job, that and I bet it “broke down” for easy storage back stage.

Now that’s creative thinking!
And then there was the people watching.

As always happens when there are empty seats in my section, a couple migrated from the less expensive seats to right in front of us.
Because I have season tickets, when it comes to “Would you please give money to the Opera?”, they approach season ticket holders.
Which I have done.
But they could make a lot more $$$ if they enforced seating.

I COULD, by waiting till the last moment, buy discounted seats in the $15.00 section and wait till curtain, move immediately to better seats, such as those right in front of me, and save $85.00.

But I wouldn’t bring a date.

“Hey, want to go on a cheep date with a cheep skate?!?”

The couple who sat down in front of us were a good example of that
“Dallas superficiality”.

Her tan, tits, and hair were all store bought.
And his hair gel was over powering.

Hey, Dallas Opera!
Give them a call!
They’ve got plenty of money to spare!

Sunday, November 13, 2005


Last weekend, while Zelda was out of town, I made a dent in the mess that is our home.

It would have been larger, but the work world squawks the loudest.
I went in on a day I had scheduled off.
I will take it again this Friday....

Zelda has a phrase about recognizing Good Design vs Bad.

It goes something like this,
"Good design works behind the scenes making life easier. It doesn't necessarily stand out. And the average Joe will not recognize it.
On the reverse, everyone can see Bad Design when they encounter it."

So what do the masses "see"?
Bad design.

Mom loved this house, (till I came home from college and mentioned that it is similar to a trailer house with a garage stuck on front).

I do not. Not as it is.

Its design intent, although sound in its basic layout, Private spaces at one end and Public at the other, fails to meet the HUMAN needs of views, light, natural ventilation, places to congregate and a commingling of Public with the Private (picture a window seat in a hall way).

As Zelda put it,"We are too close to the problem".

Very true.
I wish it wasn't...

I would be willing to play around with the floor plan, move walls. Add and subtract doors. Get some Practical experience in what I do for a living.
Zelda wants to put as little money as necessary to fix it up, and move.
Don't go throwing good money after bad...

Make where you live, what you Love.

That's complicatedly simple...

Friday, November 11, 2005


When ever Zelda and I get cross ways with each other, we are both aware that it is just a misunderstanding or a need to vent.

I so enjoy being met by a Happy Zelda, because she does it SO well!!

But she can't be happy every day. And I don't expect her to be.
(Would get kind of boring).

Besides there is something to be said for the creative process involved with plotting to kill someone.

J has a friend who now works and lives in Ireland. She, like Z, is from Kansas.
And there is something in their characters, J's friend and Z, that absolutely Can't stand Dallas.

Dallas is crowded.
And superficial.
And the land of consumerism.

Now her brother seems to love it here.
And there are parts of it I like.

But after visiting Kansas, Manhattan in particular, I can completely understand where they are coming from.

So, it is in our plans to move with in the next year and half to two years OUT of Texas.
(An amusing side I just noticed OU + UT = OUT, as in 'Get Out'. *It's distractions and nosequitors such as these that endear and at the same time, drive J and Z nuts in relating to me.)

I am concerned that she has few if any friends here in Tx. And friends for women is like the air we breathe. Got to have it.

And the pollen/polution filled air of north Texas is yet another reason to get the heck out of Dodge. If you have followed her blog, she has b-a-d asthma.

So, I do enjoy riding with my wife. I enjoy kissing her, dining with her, talking with her, and even being grumpy with her.

Love you Zelda Pinwheel-Bunny!

As the former director of the Fort Worth Opera used to say in his commercials,
"If you REALLY love her, you'll take her to the Opera!"

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Zelda and the Opera!!

Tomorrow is the opening of the 2005-06 Dallas Opera season!!

Cavalleria Rusticana and Pagliacci.

It should go better than football season this year...

Let's hope Zelda takes a liking to it.

She has a wonderful singing voice herself, so I think she'll have a prediposition to it.

And if nothing else,
I included it in our vows,
in really small print.

She and I have to do something about our jobs.

I don't Hate mine, but it is a dead end...

She Hates hers, and I sometimes get *splatted* with it, for which she later apologizes, when I meet her at the car after work.

It doesn't help that I run late getting down stairs far too often.

It really makes the car trip home miserable,
even with the HOV lane...

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Ah Choo

Ah Choo!!

My office machine caught a nasty virus that bombards my computer with pop ups and various desk top ads.

We had the computer guy stop by yesterday to see if he could clean it up.
He’s going to have to research it.     

When I started here last year, my machine had a handful of viruses that weren’t invasive, but at the same time, weren’t wanted.

This bug is associated with one of the MySpace web sites used to add video or music to your page. I’d recommend avoiding this one.

The Kid was helping me out, and since, *fortunately*, my lap top refused to access the web that day, it was spared.

Zelda already reprimanded me for doing this on company time (but it was my lunch break!!), and now I am solely on my machine to put out office work. I cost the company time and $$.  

I won’t be doing that again.

I worry about visiting my myspace site to clean it up lest I have infected my site…


On an aside.

The citizens of the Great State of Texas voted yesterday to Pass the

If you don’t fit the Biblical Mold, then you cain’t get married. So there!
state constitutional amendment.

If we are being Biblical, and more specifically, Christian…

“Christian” meaning a follower of ‘The Christ’, the Savior.

And the “Law of the Christ” being:
First love the Lord your G*d above all else, and
The Second, Love your Neighbor as you would want to be loved.

(Christ ate with sex workers and the “dregs” of society.
He clearly stated his two and only two Laws. The Bible does not give us His views on homosexuality.)

Wouldn’t we vote for love and not prejudice?

Do we REALLY think that if HE, had been allowed to Vote, that HE would have actually voted FOR this amendment?!!

I believe that it will fail constitutionally at the Federal level as it clearly discriminates.

But sadly in the mean time,

should Red become ill and become incapacitated, even though J lives and has lived with Red, pays the bills, shares a life, loves him, chooses to be with him, as I have chosen to be with Zelda, that J will have




to visit Red in the ICU.

Only “FAMILY” allowed…

And should J be killed in a car accident.
Red will not be allowed to inherit J’s things or
be eligible for benefits that a married couple would.

Because they are the same sex?


I can inherit my brother’s things automatically should he have no other living relatives.

But because, WE, society, have decided to interfere with the PRIVATE goings on in TWO people’s lives.

Why do we, as G*D fearing people, have the right to pee on their relationship!?

I saw a bumper sticker that read “Marriage = Man + Woman”

What ever happened to “Marriage = LOVE”?

As we see daily in advertising and in the interactions of people,
SEX is more powerful than G*D, so we had best keep it under wraps if we want to control the masses…


Sorry guys,

Zelda and I stood in line for 2 hours to vote

“NO” with and for you…


Interesting afternoon.

The Kid bolted, due to pressure from his new employer.
He was frightened of telling the truth to his then current, now former employer.

And so folks are left with a, “What the Hell”, kind of impression.

“That’s not like him. I’ll be disappointed if…”

I am one of those disappointed ones.

People are worried about his character. Even though he worked here since March and nothing went missing, suddenly now he might…


Personal note to the Kid should you happen to log on…

I hope you learned from this, that there are better ways of handling your professional life.

That being truthful is best.

People are concerned about you.

That even if you have decided to move on, that you owe your employer, how ever much you may or may not like them,  a full day’s work for a full day’s pay.

And lastly:

Make damn sure you erase your internet history, *better yet, don’t go there at all on company time!!*, so you don’t leave a trail of ‘pink.com’ and ‘sexy girls’ on your employer’s computer.

I get the impression that this next company will be much more on the ball about such things.

And I hope for your sake they won’t be tolerated…

the demise of the Kid

Got a text message from the Kid this am.
(Imagine, getting text messages by phone! What will they think of next? Video?)

He told big Boss that he was leaving, but did not tell him the date he promised his new employer, Nov. 7th.

Last week he gave me his last day as today, Wednesday. I purposely didn’t make lunch today, though I do have one from Monday, so I could go to lunch with him on his last day. I was under the impression that everyone knew and it would be a big going away lunch for him…

Big Boss is under the impression that it is sometime next week?

His text message simply said, “I’m gone”.

I called to verify.

Because his new bosses pressured him yesterday when he went in to process his paperwork, he came back, cleared out his desk and won’t be back…

Kids these days…

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Google Me

Zelda can be googled using her real name and she will come up, along with her father and brother.

You see her father has a Phd and has writen many published papers as well as given many lectures/seminars on the topic of range land management, so that's how I found her. No photos though.

My name is, to my dismay, quite popular and so it is not accually Me who pops up. The "first" owner is long dead, I am here to report that I am still kicking.

"karlthebunny" on the other hand, thanks to blogs being catalogued, does show up. But contrary to my "profile", and to reasure my darleen wife, I am no longer "single" and if I could find where in my profile to make the changes, I would.

Interestingly enough, Zelda's blog name is sooo popular that I am not sure if she would show up with in the first 10 google pages.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Work Troubles

Something is not right....

Zelda doesn't like her job,

the Kid is changing companies,

I'm not too excited about My current employment,

A former co-worker I had lunch with on Fri. is ready to bail at her current company as well.

I Think I am begining to see a trend here...


Gaea misses her mommy.

But she is feeling better than last week.

She is currently sitting in the office window, enjoying the sun, the birds, and the plant sitting next to her.

Now Snoopy has come in to bother (*brother*?!)her, most likely to ask if she'd like to play.

Trust me,

this is NOT a warm and fuzzy, "Aww, look at the cute kitties staring out into the yard together!"

MOM! Where ARE You!???!!!


Distance makes the Heart grow


or is that *REALLY*


I guess I shall find that one out later today! Tee Hee!!
She's been talking about me with her girlfriends,

I can tell...

Maybe I should help Zelda get a traveling job???!!!

Saturday, November 05, 2005


I lost the momentum I had yesterday morning as I scurried around cleaning up before heading off to work on what was SUPOSED to have been my day off.

Slept late this morning.

Accomplished some goals, though they haven't Yet involved a washing machine.

Had a nice long mid afternoon nap.

Moved some stuff.

Ate lunch, (Zelda would be proud!)

And now may venture out into the world for a bit.
The Kid finally told the big boss that he was leaving.
The Big Boss didn't want to let him go.
I'm next...
This is the first weekend I have had to myself since the end of May.
I have no idea what to do with myself.

If Zelda were to ever decide I'm no longer Cute and leave me, I think I'd become a worthless bachelor (again), sleeping around to numb the pain of my lost Zelda...

But right now I have her fooled, HA! HA! HAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! (evil laugh)
She thinks I am a Bunny for Good!
But what she doesn't know is I am secretly a bunny for BAD! HA! HA! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have not put the toilet seat down even ONCE this weekend, (though I will before she gets back so as not to incure the wrath of Zelda), nor have I closed ANY of the kitchen cabinet doors I have opened...

I am so EVIL, I LOVE IT!!!!

HA! HA! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
I have to get out of the house now.....

Thursday, November 03, 2005


I am concerned about this weekend.

Zelda is out of town, visiting friends.

I worry that instead of

s.l.o.w.i.n.g d.o.w.n,

which is what she needs at the moment, she will try to cram as much as she can into the little time she has in Omaha. Staying up late and such...

Zelda is, for the most part, a focused, go-go, kind of personality.

I on the other hand, will give in to doing nothing if the mood strikes me.

This world of ours would have us believe that IT is more important than US.

It helps Zelda out in her commute and I am all for it.

At the same time, we spend almost all of our non working hours with each other.

No "self time" to regenerate.

I feel guilty when I ask for it, but it is vital to keeping our relation vibrant.

I find myself relating radio stories I have heard to Zelda, only to realize she was in the car at the time...
My self goals for this weekend are...

1. Clear out the dining portion of the kitchen.

2. Clear out the living room.

3. Clear out the office.

4. Pay the bills/balance check book.

I ask that you hold me accountable if I don't get these things done,

Oh, and

5. the lawn , but that can wait...

6. And somewhere in there I need to slip in some down time...
Where does all the time go?

I need to enact Sabbath from TV at least once a week...

Something I did a number of years ago that was a blessing to me.
Oh, and I'll start with

7. the laundry...

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

kitty concerns

Under the weather Kitty

Zelda and I took Gaea to the V-E-T Tuesday night.
And not without trepidation.

Gaea had one too many bad experiences with V-E-T-S in her younger days.

And so Z has taken to giving her love kitten, kitty valium.
Yes that 1950’s wonder drug works for your pets too.

She’s been lethargic and having what we believe are hair ball issues, or the lack there of…

We have heard the heaving and sounds of unrewarded efforts to bring it forth.

So last night Z called the V-E-T and warned them Gaea was coming.
We brought her carrier out, set it on the floor and she jumped right in, as she loves small confined dark spaces.

Next was the towel.

For the late great Woody Kitty, I always placed the towel on the floor of his carrier for comfort.

Gaea’s towel was also for comfort, but hers goes OVER her carrier, not in.

And we were off.

She behaved surprisingly wonderfully, considering she hates the V-E-T.

The nurse introduced herself as “the Cat whisperer” and made it as easy as possible for our little fuzzy, or is that ‘fussy”, one?

And it turns out she is not the worst they have experienced. That would be “Domino” to which all ‘trouble’ kitties are compared.

And Gaea is “no Domino”. At least not this time. They placed her in a quite room which helped her stay calm.

I don’t know who was more stressed, Gaea, or Zelda.
Neither had the benefit of any drugs.

We are waiting on the results of the blood test.

I think and hope it is just a nasty hair ball and the inability to rebound as she once did as a younger kitty.

In the mean time, I am attempted to comfort Zelda and give her support.
Asking for your good kitty vibes,


This a test...

This a test, well a text test.

Blogspot has a new software that allows one to create a blog post in Word and up load it to the web, so…

This is a text test…


Sweeeett! It even allows for editing of previous posts, not created on Blog spot by the way, in Word…

Way Cool Dude!

Now… to get that damn wireless up and running…


Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Omaha bound

This weekend Zelda heads out to visit the newest member of the Kamakazi Grrrlz!!
Little Hank. (Which brings to mind Hank Hill, tee hee!)

Yolanda's boy!

With honeymoon plans and debt to pay off, I will not be able to make it north this time.

Wish I could.

Thoughts of Mark's bistro and Tapas makes me jealous!
(Z informed me that she will make it to Espania!!)

Z was feeling down Sunday morning.
I was feeling down yesterday at work.

Must be the season and allergies.

What goes up...

Decided to take Friday off to do some cleaning and prep the new wild flower garden I am installing in the front.

With Z gone for two and half days, I think I can get alot done for her return.
That and I can sleep in Fri., Sat., and Sun.!!!
Need to make the attack list and buy the supplies!
Hopefully Gaea won't be too upset to only have me around...

She has been Wonderful the last few weeks.

Don't ask me why...

Who knows what lerks in that little kitty brain...
We chose the exact right cat when we brough Snoopy home.
He refuses to be baited by Gaea.
She hisses and he sits back with a "What's your problem? I just want to play" expression on his kitty face.

There's a lot to be learned from our pets...

my space

The kid introduced me to "myspace.com" not long ago.
Incredible idea.
It is a networking system extraordinaire.

I'm pondering linking my blog to my myspace web page.

ms allows you to link your friends via photos to their web pages.

In looking at it, it reminds me of what it must be like to have been one of the "popular people" as your friends stop by your page to "shout out" and say "hi" flirt, if that's your page, and to keep in contact through IM and such. (that and most of them so far have been set up by 20 something "Party People")

It has heavy advertising of course.

You can link a favorite song to play when the page is opened, or to show a music video.

And with the "friend links" you can run "6 degrees of separation" through the states and countries clicking on faces.

Some advertise their singleness, (mine states I am very happily marraiged!), others their band, or photos of themselves scantily clad, with links to their "for sale" pages.

it's the future of the net.

Zelda and I talked Sunday evening about our possible futures.

I love her so much. (gush!)

She would like to get back into making jewelry and selling it again.

Myspace immediately came to mind.

Coming soon:

Zelda's jewelry page! @ myspace dot com ???